Homeless in Arizona

Clay's getting cranky in his old age

  But hey, for a cranky, grouchy old guy, he still is a pretty good columnist!


The raccoons are out there, waiting for the right time

I just listened to a phone message from a guy who asked if I knew the origin of the word "copacetic" meaning OK or everything is all right or stuff like that.

The caller said he knew the meaning and the origin of the word even though it wasn't in his dictionary, but he said he knew it and that if I could find out the answer and print it he would send me a quarter.

Well, as it happened it took me about 30 seconds to learn the origin of the word "copacetic" 'and since his attitude seemed to be so snide, I am suggesting that he take his quarter in hand, and since this a family paper I won't go into detail. However, he might want to deposit the quarter in a place that is fairly dark and which is seldom, if ever, lighted by the sun.

I recently thought I saw a raccoon near Shea Boulevard and Tatum Drive. Is that possible? I thought raccoons only lived in colder climates.

Well, madam, as my late father might have said, we have raccoons 'til hell won't have it. The old man had a gift for words, most of which, like the matter above, we won't go into here. But, by golly, he could express himself. Have you ever heard the expression "making bag?"

We'll go into that some other day.

Anyway, we have plenty of raccoons around here. Since they tend to be nocturnal animals and since we mostly don't have those garbage cans that are easy to tip over, opening a raccoon buffet , you might seldom see them.

But they're out there. Waiting until everything is copacetic, raccoon-wise.

Reach Thompson at clay.thompson@arizonarepublic.com or 602-444-8612.

Homeless in Arizona

stinking title