Man #1: Why can't anyone running for office
ever be honest about what they really stand for
and what they intend to do?
Congressman on TV: I stand firmly on any
divisive issue we can't do anything about to
keep you distracted from the fortune I
rake in from lobbyists for doing nothing.
total silence
Man #1: Yes, I'd never vote for that guy.
Man #2: Which answers your question.
Danae: Why do members of Congress refer to
themselves as "public servants", Daddy?
Man #1: Because of their selfless devotion to
serve all of us, Danae.
Man #1: To be in Congress you have to be a giver ...
working tireless for the needs of others
without any thought of reward.
Danae: !
Girl #2: ?
Danae: Boooring ... Who would want that job?!
Girl #2: So ... today is opposite day, right?
Man #1: To paraphrase Barry Goldwater,
fibbing for the good of the country is no vice.
Waitress: OK, every day you guys are in here
complaining how corrupt all politicians are
Man: Yeah ... So?
Waitress: So ... you can't say every member of Congress
is bought off by corporate lobbyists!
There are lots of honest ones
Man: OK ...
Such as ...?
total silence
Waitress: Carry On
Man: Look at the bright side ...
They finally achieved bipartisanship on something
Waitress: OK, mister cynical smarty pants ...
if every member of Congress is nothing but a
corporate shill, why hasn't it been exposed by
the news media?!
Man: Because all media outlets are owned
and operated by those same corporations.
total silence
Waitress: I'm not going to give you an
opening to do your Jack Nicholson impression
from "A Few Good Men," dear.
Fisherman: Busted.
Man: Dang.