Homeless in Arizona

A DEA thug on the bus?

  When I sat down on the bus and noticed that the guy in front of me was wearing a DEA shirt I was terrified that David Dorn would see me and accuse me of sleeping with DEA thugs.

After the bus drove a few miles I noticed that the guy had moved around and I could now read the words under the large DEA letters on the back of his DEA shirt.

They said:

Drink Every Afternoon
I breathed a sign of relief, now I knew that David Dorn wouldn't accuse me of socializing with DEA thugs.

But as I am writing this I am wondering, will David Dorn accuse me of socializing with BATF agents?

Maybe the guy is a BATF agent and the DEA shirt or "Drink Every Afternoon" shirt was made by the folks at the BATF.

I have there is a big rivalry between the DEA and BATF and the folks at the BATF would prefer that people use illegal alcohol instead of illegal drugs, so that their department can throw more people in prison for the victimless crime of alcohol consumption then their rivals at the DEA can throw in prison for the victimless crime of using illegal drugs.

I guess it doesn't matter what I do I am screwed.

Homeless in Arizona

stinking title