Is "global warming" or "climate change" a hoax???
Is "global warming" or "climate change" a fact or fiction???
Personally I don't know, nor do I care. But the real question is should the government do something to prevent "global warming" or "climate change"? I am sure other people who like warm weather will flip the question around and ask should the government do something to accelerate "global warming" or "climate change"? Some of us like it hot!!!I love hot weather. But what do you expect I live in the Sonoran Desert in central Arizona.If I had my way I would never have a day when the high was less then 100°F (38°C). Should the government control our climatePersonally I don't think the government should be allowed to control anything, and that includes the climate.If you want to stop the alleged "global warming" or "climate change" I think you should be allowed to spend as much of your hard earned money as you want to stop it. It's your money do what you want with it. On the other hand if you want to accelerate the alleged "global warming" or "climate change" I think you should be allowed to spend as much of your hard earned money as you want to accelerate it. Again It's your money and you can do what you want with it. Personally I don't think the government should do anything about the alleged "global warming" or "climate change". That should be a personal choice, not something that the government decides for all of us. Historically it has been much warmer in the pastIf you look at climate records from the past millions of years a number of times it has been much hotter then it currently is now.So I guess "global warming" is not anything new on planet Earth. It's been here before. And of course so has "global cooling". It's been warmer in the past and it has also been much colder in the past then it has been now. Current weather changesWhen people first started clammering about "global warming" I was pretty skeptical about it.But over the years there does seem to be a trend that it is getting slightly hotter. Much of the polar ice is melting and it seems to be getting hotter on many places on Earth. But I don't see this as a cause that will "doom" planet Earth as many of the "global warming" nut jobs seem to say. Like I said before it has been much hotter on planet Earth many times before, and if "global warming" really exists, it is not anything new on planet Earth. "Global warming" - A jobs program for government bureaucrats???My own personal opinion about "global warming" is who cares.If it is happening or isn't I don't think the government should do anything about it either way. But I suspect that many of the people who are crying that "global warming" is going to end life as we know it on planet Earth are simply special interest groups that want a government welfare program created to give them high paying jobs so they can do their "politically correct" thing and end global warming. And that is something we certainly don't need is another government welfare program to steal our hard earned tax dollars and give them to another special interest group that will micromanage our lives. And of course some of these folks are elected officials or wanna be elected officials who want to use the "global warming" mantra to get elected to office. So even if "global warming" exists, I think that government should not be involved with it. |