I will always remember Jan Brewer as one of the crooks on the Maricopa County Supervisors who voted to steal our money and build BankOne Ballpark for Jerry Colangelo.
And second I will remember Jan Brewer for being one of the tyrants who are trying to flush Prop 203 or Arizona's medical marijuana laws down the toilet. And last but not least I will remember Jan Brewer for being one of the racists who supported SB 1070 which is attempting to run all the Mexicans out of Arizona. And last for supporting SB 1070 which tried to run all the Mexicans out of Arizona. Nationally, Brewer’s star shines as a conservative icon Brewer: Political celebrity? By Yvonne Wingett Sanchez The Republic | azcentral.com Tue Oct 30, 2012 11:31 PM She travels coast to coast to rally the conservative faithful, packing in Republicans by the thousands and winning standing ovations — sometimes simply by entering the room. With her no-nonsense and feisty style, Gov. Jan Brewer has stormed America, taking her messages of states’ rights and border security to the national stage. Along the way, the 69-year-old Glendale politico has become a national figure who travels like a rock star, complete with an advance team that carries a black marker for her to use to sign autographs. She wields political power and can raise hundreds of thousands of dollars that she is using to try to make or break candidates and influence elections. Ultimately, it’s unclear what Brewer plans to do with her star power: No one seems to know her endgame. For now, she tours to promote her book, “Scorpions for Breakfast.” Through speaking engagements, she has raised nearly $600,000 for a federal political-action committee that she’s using to pump money into Republican races in this cycle. She has become a fixture on the cable-TV news shows — despite cringe-worthy bloopers that keep satirical versions of Jan Brewer in business on Twitter. And her Facebook page now rivals those of national political figures in terms of popularity. Many of Brewer’s critics and observers are bewildered by her celebrity. They point out she is the “accidental governor” — she became the state’s top official when Gov. Janet Napolitano left in 2009 for a spot in President Barack Obama’s Cabinet — and shake their heads at her ascent. But to her supporters, Brewer has become a patriotic symbol of resistance against a federal government that they believe has exceeded its authority. Political experts say it is unusual for a governor to gain such star power in a short amount of time. They compare Brewer’s national name recognition to that of New Jersey Gov. Chris Christie and Texas Gov. Rick Perry. People outside those states are largely unaware of those governors’ duties, experts say, but they tend to have affection for the way they champion their philosophies and take their fight to the other side. Brewer would not discuss her national celebrity, but observers and those close to her say she’s thrilled to be so widely recognized. “Once upon of time, she was plain old Jan Brewer in the phone book, and now, she is ... a national figure,” political consultant Stan Barnes said. “She’s a symbol of a willingness to speak truth about difficult issues. Love her or hate her, everybody believes Jan Brewer knows who she is and you can count on her to come at key issues with a belief system that is unwavered.” ‘True to her philosophies’ Brewer, the mother of three sons, was only moderately recognizable prior to 2009, when as secretary of state she became the state’s No. 1 Republican when Napolitano stepped down to become secretary of the Department of Homeland Security. By then, Brewer had been involved in elective state politics for 25 years, first as a lawmaker, then as a Maricopa County supervisor and then as secretary of state, the state’s second-in-command. She has been involved in the state party even longer, attending breakfasts, conferences and rallies for 20 years prior. She’s always lit up the room, friends say, with her “down-to-earth Republican Party girl attitude.” But she was never in the limelight. As secretary of state, she made headlines only for her election duties. But as governor, her pro-Second Amendment and anti-abortion stances as well as her efforts to cut government spending have thrust her center stage. Carol Springer, Brewer’s longtime friend and former colleague at the state Capitol, says Brewer has rarely strayed from her conservative principles, an attribute that resonates with the party faithful. “If anything, she’s just been extremely predictable,” Springer said. “A lot of times, you see how people change when they get into office … and she’s never done that. She’s always been true to her philosophies, and she’s never strayed from them.” When Brewer became governor, she became the face of Arizona’s Republican Party. Her supporters immediately lauded her as a conservative but pragmatic leader who would reel in spending and crack down on illegal immigration. During her first 14 months on the job, Brewer flew largely under the national radar and was focused on budget battles with the Legislature. A year later, Arizona’s immigration law, Senate Bill 1070, rocked Brewer’s political world and made her a household name. Into the spotlight with SB 1070 Brewer’s signing of SB 1070, carried live by cable media, introduced America to Arizona’s 22nd governor. She instantly shot to superstardom. She became a regular on conservative news shows — favoring the conservative Fox News — talking about the federal government’s failure to secure the U.S.-Mexican border. “Where she has people’s admiration is that she is trying to solve a very difficult problem — and using the rule of law to do it — and she’s not going to let anyone intimidate her or stop her,” Fox’s Sean Hannity told The Republic. Brewer hit the road, speaking at conferences and before county Republican groups from Idaho to Arkansas about what she said was Obama’s inaction to secure the border and her efforts to enforce Arizona’s laws. She met with the president in the Oval Office, where she asked the federal government to complete a border fence and send more resources to help combat illegal-drug trafficking. Brewer’s political philosophies and personal story resonates with RonaleeLinsenmann of Nampa, Idaho. The 59-year-old director of the Canyon County Republican Women heard Brewer speak this year to a political group and is impressed with her resilience as much as her politics. A homemaker and mother, Linsenmann said the governor is “strong and courageous and sticks to her principals” and stands for everything that is right with politics. “She talked about states’ rights,” Linsenmann said. “Of course, she did refer to the immigration issue, as she’s been our stalwart — our heroine. You don’t get any sense of a facade, or that she’s trying to create some kind of aura about herself that is not real.” Following Brewer’s remarks, Linsenmann and other women took a photo with the governor. Each held up an index finger in honor of Brewer’s manicured pointer finger, which wagged in Obama’s face during his January visit to the Valley. That finger wag made Brewer an international sensation after a photo of the incident went viral. That she would stand up to the most powerful man in the world — and make no apologies for it — fired up a large segment of the GOP base, which believes the Obama administration has failed to protect border states from violent Mexican drug runners and human smugglers. “One important part of her story is that iconic picture in which she appears to be taking on President Obama,” said John J. “Jack” Pitney Jr., a government professor at Claremont McKenna College in Southern California. “The core partisans on each side really have an affection for champions who take the fight to the other side, and they see Jan Brewer as having done that.” Images of the encounter are now emblazoned on everything — onesies, ornaments, buttons, T-shirts, coffee mugs, aprons — and are available for sale. Photos signed by Brewer are selling online for $100. An unscripted politician Brewer enjoys her celebrity, her advisers say. Her longtime friends and newfound fans say her warmth and down-to-earth personality appeal to the public. In an era of professional politicians, focus groups and talking points, they say it is refreshing to find an unscripted politician. “She doesn’t speak in riddles or ambiguity. … And in an era where there’s so much deception, Jan Brewer is a breath of fresh air,” said Scott Baugh, chairman of the Republican Party of Orange County, which invited Brewer to speak at a dinner earlier this year. As many as 1,000 people attended, Baugh said. “They loved her!” he said. “When Governor Brewer spoke, you could have heard a pin drop.” The crowd at the Republican National Convention roared for Brewer during the Aug. 28 state-by-state roll call in Tampa, when she introduced herself as “Jan Brewer, governor of the great state of Arizona.” The applause went on long enough that Brewer had to acknowledge the reception. “Fellow delegates — thank you!” she said. Throughout the three-day GOP gathering, Brewer frequently was approached by delegates and conventiongoers from other states, who either offered her their compliments or requested an autograph or photo. “She was just mobbed,” recalled Larry Sabato, a national political expert who ran into Brewer on the floor of the convention. “It’s unusual for a governor to be recognized as much as she was.” But as Brewer has become so popular, she also has become part of America’s pop culture. Academy Award winner Mary Steenburgen played Brewer in a two-minute satirical video mocking the governor’s stance on illegal immigration while introducing a “self-deportation station.” (“Right now, Arizona is just an OK place to live, and it’s getting more not OK because of illegals,” the fake governor says.) HBO’s “The Newsroom” dedicated an episode to Brewer’s signing of SB 1070. And a parody version of “Bonefinger,” sung to the tune of “Goldfinger” from the James Bond movie of the same name, hit the Internet with the lyrics, “Her finger’s cold … she’s really that looney and old.” Matthew Benson, Brewer’s spokesman, said she laughs off the parodies and is energized by the support. “When we’re just walking through the (airport) terminals, or waiting to board planes, there are people and flight stewardesses who recognize the governor. They light up, they want to say hello,” Benson said. “She draws energy from their enthusiasm.” Gaining emeritus status It’s unclear how Brewer will use her celebrity in the long term. She has two years left to her second term and has toyed with researching whether a third term would be legally possible. Insiders have suggested Republican presidential candidate Mitt Romney could name her to a Cabinet position if he wins. Others suggest she will quietly leave office but continue on the speaking circuit — similar to the path taken by former Alaska Gov. Sarah Palin. Some say Brewer misses her private life, where she can garden and go for neighborhood strolls without security details. Others say she so enjoys the national limelight that she won’t give it up any time soon. “She will have an emeritus status when she leaves the governorship of Arizona,” Barnes said. “When she walks into a room for the rest of her life, people will stand up and applaud and give her the due of someone who has fought the big battle and won.” Grant Woods, who advises Brewer on legal and political issues, offers insight into which option she may be planning once her second term ends in January 2015. The two were dining at Durant’s one recent afternoon when two young women interrupted to thank the governor for her service. One of the women asked Brewer, “How many years do you have left as governor?” Woods responded, “Two-and-a-half years.” Brewer added, “This term.” Republic reporter Dan Nowicki contributed to this article. |