Homeless in Arizona

Real issue still U.S. debt

  When the National Debt hit $5 trillion many years ago I wondered what my share was. So I divided $5 trillion by 200 million which was the population of the USA at that time and I discovered that every man, woman and child in the USA owed about $25,000 toward the National Debt.

Of course that is misleading because children don't pay taxes. So I doubled the number and came up with the fact that every adult in the USA owed about $50,000 toward the National Debt.

If you do those same calculations with the current $16 trillion Nation Debt and 312 million US population you come up with every man, woman and child in the USA owing about $51,000 toward the national debt. Of course only adults pay taxes so every adult in the USA owes $102,000 for their share of the National Debt.

So with that in mind I pretty much agree with Tom Tyschper's "letter to the editor" which follows.

However the National Debt is only the tip of the iceberg. If you look at obligations the US government had promised to pay, which includes things like Social Security and Medicare which are not included in the National Debt the current figure of $16 trillion increases by a factor of about 4 to about $64 trillion which means every man, woman, and child owes about $204,000. And when you assume that only adults will pay the bill the figure jumps to $408,000 for every adult in the USA.

Clearly with those numbers the crooks in the US House and US Senate have bankrupted America and robbed us blind.

And I won't even address the part of the mess that the National Debt is a fraud. For more on that read the book "The Creature from Jekyll Island: A Second Look at the Federal Reserve" by G. Edward Griffin.


Real issue still U.S. debt

Oct. 25, 2012 12:00 AM

For months, we have heard about Social Security, Medicare, education, abortion, contraception, welfare, tax reform, etc. All are hot-button issues, but they all pale in comparison with our national debt.

Our $16 trillion debt is enough to pay every homeowner's mortgage for about 18 years, or pay every renter's rent for about 48 years.

In 2011, the interest alone on our debt was enough to give every man, woman and child in Phoenix about $275 per day!

If we had control over our debt, could your taxes go down? Could we better fund the issues mentioned above?

So, if we as a nation cannot honestly address our debt and what it's going to require from all of us (we did elect the Congresses that got us to where we are today), the issues mentioned in the opening sentence become moot, as there will be no funds for any of them.

Our current presidential campaign (both parties) strategies do a good job swaying voters away from the real issue.

But I'm suggesting that, if you are honest with yourself, it all comes down to our debt.

-- Tom Tyschper, Phoenix

Homeless in Arizona

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