Sunday, Nov 11 - 1:30 pm - Mikey Weinstein speaks in PhoenixAccording to this article on Sunday, November 11, 2012 at 1:30 PM Mikey Weinstein of the Military Religious Freedom Foundation will give a talk in Phoenix, Arizona.The location is Cedars Banquet Hall Violent crime in Downtown TempeIn this article Tempe police says they are looking for a man who was seen on a security video viciously and sadistically attacking another man in an elevator at the W-6 town homes in downtown TempeLove the police state??? Vote for Kyrsten SinemaLove taxes? Love the police state? Love gun grabbers? Love the insane unconstitutional "war on drugs"? Vote for Kyrsten Sinema. "[Kyrsten] Sinema voted in the Legislature for sending National Guard troops to the border and stiffening penalties for owners of drophouses. In Congress, she wants to require banks to freeze suspected drug-cartel accounts" This article didn't mention it but in an attempt to flush Arizona's medical marijuana law down the toilet Kyrsten Sinema introduced a bill that would have put a 300 percent tax on medical marijuana. The article doesn't mention this, but Kyrsten Sinema is a big time gun grabber and would love to flush the Second Amendment down the toilet. And of course when it comes to taxing and spending that is Kyrsten Sinema claim to fame. One anti-tax group gave Kyrsten Sinema it's award for being the biggest tax and spend crook in the Arizona legislator. Last but not least Kyrsten Sinema is a big fan of the police state. In every election I can remember the police unions have all endorsed Kyrsten Sinema. She passes police state laws for the cops, and in exchange she gets the vote of the cops. If you love living in a police state remember to vote for Kyrsten Sinema in this coming election. You can learn more about Kyrsten Sinema in this article. Two Party System Works Just Fine??? |
I think the two party system is working just fine.
Besides, buying a third party would be a bookkeeping nightmare. Presidential Debates - TranscriptHere is a transcript of the first Presidential debate which was on October 3.If I remember I will try to add the transcripts from the other debates. I hope the Homeland Security thugs don't arrest me for lying and providing false information to the public because of these transcripts, because after all your boss, Emperor Obama, is providing all the lies and false information in the transcript. Jack Lowell's got a peace sign in his front yardAccording to this article Jack Lowell has a cool peace sign in his front yard.I suspect it is driving the Tempe messy yard cops nuts. The Church of DanaeWow this Church of Danae doesn't sound much different from most religions in the world.First and most important one never, never question the holy scriptures. And second and just as important "Follow along and no one gets hurt". Hey, I'm a little confused? That sounds a lot like government. Arizona National Guard CorruptionI took the whole series of articles from the Arizona Republic on the corruption in the Arizona National Guard an I put them in this URL.Alcohol causó muerte de alguacil DeverAccording to this article Sheriff Larry Dever was drunk as a skunk when he crashed his car killing himself.More of the old "do as I say, not as I do" from our government masters. Jack Lowell - Terrorized by the Tempe Messy Yard PoliceAccording to this article Jack Lowell is being terrorized by the Tempe Messy Yard cops.Don't these jackbooted police thugs have any real criminals to hunt down!!!!! According to the article Lowell's problems with Tempe code enforcement started when he received a notice in April 2011 for violating city code banning dead grass, overgrown weeds, and excessive debris and outdoor storage. Lowell argued that his neighborhood is littered with code violations and wondered why Tempe's code enforcement was focusing on him. Honey Boo???Recycle Plastic Bags - Throw a monkey wrench into the recycling program???Recycle plastic bags and throw a monkey wrench into city recycling programs???I hate those annoying government recycling programs which always lose money and the only environment they make better is the wallets of the special interest groups the government let run the program. After reading this article I may just start recycling all my plastic bags!!!! Amnesty International Concert Nov 3, 2-7 p.m. in TempeWanna fight government tyrants from your home?You don't need an AK-47 to put fear into the eyes of these government tyrants. Just stay at home an write a few letters every month. Since it's founding Amnesty International has freed about 40,000 political prisoners throughout the world simply by writing letters to government tyrants which more or less tell them We know what your doing and it's wrong. We demand you free this political prisonerThis concert put on by Tempe Amnesty International is 100 percent free. It's on Saturday, November 3 from 2 p.m. to 7 p.m. at Tempe Kiwanis Park which is a huge park between Baseline and Guadalupe on the north and south and between Mill Avenue and Kyrene Road on the east and west. The concert is in the Sister Cities Garden Amphitheater. The bands that will play are: |
Emperor Obama talks about his second term plan???OK, it's a cartoon not an article but it's the same plan and nothing has changed.Help I need a nurse!!!Drayton Witt was framed for murder by the State of ArizonaAccording to this article Drayton Witt was framed for murder by the state of Arizona and spent 10 years in prison before being released when the evidence used to prove this murder was discovered to be junk science.But sadly the cops & prosecutors would love to frame him a 2nd time, not because he is guilty, but to prove they didn't make a mistake when they framed him the first time. Hey, and you thought the criminal justice system was about justice. Silly you! Let's face it, the criminal justice system is about money, power and getting re-elected. And prosecutors will do anything to get re-elected including sending innocent people to prison. Arizona Republic thinks Tom Honre's behavior is unacceptableWow, according to this editorial even the Arizona Republic thinks that Arizona Attorney General Tom Horne's behavior is unacceptable.Arizona Attorney General Tom Horne is the jerk who wants Governor Jan Brewer to declare Prop 203 null and void so he can start throwing pot smokers in prison. Arizona Attorney General Tom Horne is also accused of being involved in a hit and run accident while allegedly on his way to have an affair with his alleged mistress Carmen Chenal. Phoenix Diocese mixes government and religion to spread their anti-gay hate!!!According to this article the Roman Catholic Diocese of Phoenix donated $1,000 to a group leading efforts to pass a ballot measure that would ban gay marriage in Minnesota.I guess when Jesus said "love your neighbor" he didn't really mean it. Of course the Catholics don't like to talk about the Old Testament. In the Old Testament the Christian God routinely kills gay folks for the sin of being gay. ASU Students think Kyrsten Sinema sucks???From this letter to the editor it sure sounds like ASU students think Kyrsten Sinema sucks??? Maybe it's that 300 percent tax that Kyrsten Sinema wanted to slap on medical marijuana users in an attempt to flush the people will down the toilet who voted to legalize medical marijuana with Prop 203. Tom Horne is some Attorney GeneralIn this letter to the editor Bob Uselton of Phoenix says that Arizona voters really know how to pick a good Attorney General.Watch out kiddies, Officer Friendly has a taserAccording to this article Officer Friendly, AKA Officer Christopher Webb, fried some kiddies because they refused to wash his car.Look kids, you are correct, the 13th Amendment says slavery is illegal in the USA, but when a police thug with a gun and badge tells you to wash his car don't refuse. He will fry you with his taser, just like Officer Christopher Webb fried 10 year old R.D. Iran's "war on drugs" is also a dismal failureHere is an article about Iran's "war on drugs" which is also a dismal failure, like the American "war on drugs".Of course American invented the "war on drugs" and exported it to the rest of the world. What? They don't have topless bars in India??India's first Playboy Club???Sure India has better food then the USA, but it sounds like it's nightlife sucks compared to the USA.In this article they talk about India's first Playboy club and it sounds like it really sucks??? I bet the topless joints in Salt Lake City are better then those in Bollywood!!!! NY Times on Sheriff Joe ArpaioWhen you read this article on Sheriff Joe it makes you embarrassed to be from Phoenix, Arizona!!!Sorry folks, I just live in Phoenix. I didn't vote for the jerk and I don't want him either. I am not a racist either that hates Mexicans. I think SB 1070 sucks and I would repeal it if it could. Hell, if I could I would fire everybody in the INS and Homeland Security and rip down all the fences that separate the USA from Mexico and Canada. More on that piggie that tased a 10 year old smart *ssHere is an update on that New Mexico cop that tased a 10 year old child for refusing to wash his car.The bad piggy is Officer Christopher Webb. The child Officer Christopher Webb tased for being a smart *ss is only identified as “R.D.” Elizabeth Johnson, mother of Baby Gabriel screwed by the courts againLook, I don't know if Elizabeth Johnson killed Baby Gabriel or not. Maybe she did, maybe she didn't.But there certainly isn't enough evidence to even prove that Baby Gabriel is dead, and until then I think the cops should stop shaking down Elizabeth Johnson. Yes, like in the OJ case, there is a good chance that Elizabeth Johnson is guilty, but unless the government has evidence to prove it they should back off. But according to this article Elizabeth Johnson is being screwed by the court system again, and they are refusing to release her from jail, despite the fact that she was found innocent of most of the charges. Is the Arizona Department of Public Safety corrupt???In this article retired Mesa Police Officer Bill Richardson asks if the Arizona DPS is corrupt. Based on the New Times article they seem to be!Government welfare program to keep zombies alive???In this article we have what sounds like a government welfare program for doctors that sounds like a program that gives doctors money to keep zombies alive.OK, zombies sounds like such a bad word. A better description is the government is paying doctors big bucks to put feeding tubes into terminally ill people who can't otherwise function to extend their life span. Legal myths about ending life supportThe San Jose Mercury is running a series on death as it relates to terminally ill old folks and this is another article which address when it is legal to let terminally ill folks die by removing their life support systems.Tempe Town Toilet is a huge boondoggle and waste of tax dollarsHere is an article about Tempe Town Toilet or Tempe Town Lake as the royal rulers of Tempe call it.When Tempe Town Toilet is used to host rock concerts and the Ironman Marathon it causes nothing but traffic jams and parking problems in downtown Tempe and south Scottsdale. The loud rock concerts in Tempe Town Toilet keep people awake at night with the loud noise as far north as Roosevelt Street in Scottsdale. The city of Tempe spends more money to operate the Tempe Town Toilet then it spends on all the other Tempe parks combined. Despite that most citizens can't use the Tempe Town Toilet just to hand out a chill, because Tempe has it closed and required a entry fee for the concerts and other events the city of Tempe puts on in the park to raise revenue for the royal rulers of Tempe. Death Penalty - A government welfare program for lawyers???If you ask me the death penalty sounds like a government jobs program for lawyers.According to this article the state of California spent $4 billion to justify executing 13 people. The is a cost of $307 million per execution. I suspect most of that went to the lawyers, judges, prosecutors and public defenders who are involved in all the mandatory appeals that are required when people are sentenced to death!!!! DNA tests keep Scottsdale Police from framing Ryan Festa for rape???If suspect that if Ryan Festa had not taken DNA tests which proved he did not commit the rape he would have been framed by the Scottsdale Police and railroaded for the rape of several woman in north Scottsdale according to this article.The article is also a good example of why you should NEVER, NEVER help the police with anything. Ryan Festa get screwed when he offered to help the Scottsdale Police prove he was innocent of rape. Please learn from Ryan Festa mistakes and never, never offer to prove your innocence to the police. You will almost certainly be screwed and abused by the police. More on Hurricane SandyHere are a few more articles on Hurricane Sandy!Secret Service agent kills self amid affair probeAccording to this article a senior Secret Service agent who was being investigated by the government for failing to disclose a long-standing relationship with a foreign citizen killed himself last week in Washington.Los Angeles Police shoot handcuffed manAccording to this article the LAPD shot a handcuffed man.The cops forgot to tell the media that they guy they shot was handcuffed. Well they claim they "forgot" to to tell the media. Anyone who had delt with crooked cops before certainly realizes that they intentionally didn't tell the media because they didn't want the media to paint them as crooked cops who shoot defenseless people in handcuffs. Fullerton cop gets a slap on the wrist for destroying evidenceAccording to this article a Fullerton Police Officer got a slap on the wrist for destroying a tape records which recorded a conversation between him and a man who committed suicide after being arrested.Fullerton is a suburb of Los Angeles which is in Orange County. The Fullerton Police are infamous for beating Kelly Thomas to death. Kelly Thomas was a homeless man who was brutally beaten to death by the Fullerton Police last year. Is the term "Honest cop" an oxymoron???From this article you would definitely have to say the term "honest cop" is an oxymoron.Of course that doesn't mean all cops are crooked, even if most of them are crooks. I consider a cop that turns his head and looks the other way when his fellow cops frame or rob an innocent person as they do in this article to be just as much of a crook as the cops who framed innocent people or the cops who rob the drug dealers. 2 Chicago cops say blowing whistle led to retaliationIn this article two Chicago cops are punished for snitching on their fellow crooked cops who are robbing dope dealers and framing innocent people.A talking elephant - Koshik speaks Korean??Here is an interesting article about an elephant in a Korean zoo who uses his trunk to say a number of Korean words.Legalized marijuana and gay marriage in Washington???According to this article there is a good chance that after the election next week we could have legalized marijuana and legal gay marriages in Washington State.Chinese police learn a few tricks from American Homeland Security thugsFrom this article it sure sounds like the Chinese secret police are learning a few tricks from the American Homeland Security thugs who take toenail clippers from 80 year old women, and give body cavity searches to paraplegics and 3 year old children.Ain't you proud to be an American, police state thugs around the world are copying the techniques our our Homeland Security thugs. I'm just joking. Actually I am ashamed at how the American government has terrorized the rest of the world. If you ask me the American police state is far worse then the police states create by Hitler, Stalin or Mao. Will Gary Johnson cause Obama to lose the election???According to this article Libertarian Presidential candidate Gary Johnson could cost Obama the election in Colorado.The article says that because of Amendment 64, which would legalize marijuana in Colorado, Libertarian candidate Gary Johnson, who supports legalizing marijuana could get enough votes to cause Romney to win in Colorado, which would could cost Obama the election in both Colorado and the nation. The article says there is a good chance that marijuana will be legalized in Colorado. but we will have to wait till Tuesday to get the answer on that. Attorney General Tom Horne pleads not guilty to hit and run chargesAccording to this article Arizona Attorney General Tom Horne has pleaded not guilty to the hit and run charges he is accused of.While Tom Horne was on his way to an alleged affair with his alleged mistress Carmen Chenal, FBI agents who were following Tom Horne claim that he was involved in a hit and run accident. Remember Tom Horne is the guy who asked Arizona Governor Jan Brewer to declare Arizona's medical marijuana laws null and void so he could continue arresting pot smokers in prison. Personally I think Tom Horne's hate for marijuana smokers is just a cover for the crimes he has committed. Adiós ArpaioIt's time to boot Sheriff Joe Arpaio out of office. Sheriff Joe is not only the worst Sheriff in Maricopa County, Sheriff Joe is the worst sheriff in the world! Vote por Penzone para Sheriff |
Armed robbery of Tempe medical marijuana storeIn this article we have more information on that armed robbery of a medical marijuana store in Tempe near Southern and Rural.The robbers shot an employee in the head. Sadly none of this would be happening in it wasn't for the insane and unconstitutional "war on drugs". If drugs were legal you would be able to buy a pound of weed for what you pay for a head of lettuce and people would not be getting shot over a harmless drug that makes people feel good. Mama Mia!!!!The folks that run the Mama Mia Panaderia & Market got popped according to this article.As professional criminals these guys don't sound too bright. And to the Homeland Security thugs that read my web page, NO, I don't approve of these kinds of crimes. Any crime that has victims, such as this crime which was more of a white collar type crime is wrong. It's the victimless "drug war" crimes that I think should be legalized, along with other victimless crimes such as prostitution, gambling and weapons crimes. Scottsdale Representative David Burnell Smith busted for DUIYes, it's time for more of the old "Do as I say, not as I do" from our royal government rulers.According to this article Scottsdale Congressman David Burnell Smith arrested for drunk driving. Royal Glendale Government Rulers Steal $6 millionAccording to this article some white collar criminals that work in the Glendale city government stole $6 million and spent it on projects it should not have been spent on.The article says the money was "misspent", but that is just a pretty word for "stolen". Scottsdale to pay legal bills for cop who has murdered 6 peopleAccording to this article the city of Scottsdale is going to pay up to $350,000 on legal costs to defend a Officer James Peters who fatally shot six people in the line of duty.To add insult to injury the city of Scottsdale is paying this pig who had murdered 6 people a $4,547 per month or $54,564 a year retirement pension. Michigan pastor killed a woman in sex fantasyGods followers really do a lot of nutty things.According to this article central Michigan pastor John D. White is accused of beating and strangling to death a neighbor to fulfill a sexual fantasy. It's getting dark early - Sun sets at 5:30Wow, it's really getting dark early. The sun sets at 5:30 and it gets dark a little after that.It's also getting pretty cold. I had to throw on a couple extra thermal underwear shirts to keep warm at night. And I suspect in a little while I will have to put on a few more sweatshirts along with a coat. Man I hate winter. I am already looking forward to April when it will start hitting 100°F again. And last but not least that full moon seems to be going away. Or perhaps it's not rising till later at night when I don't notice it that much. Scottsdale cops have the right guy this time - Honest!According to this article the Scottsdale Police are 100 percent positive they got the right guy this time.I bet they are saying: Hey, he is a Negro, he must be guilty.Yes, just like they are positive when they arrested Ryan Festa for the same rape. He was also a Negro, which must have made them 100 percent positive he did it. Well at least until the DNA tests proved he didn't do it. And I bet they are as positive as the Phoenix Police were then they arrested and framed Ray Krone for the murder of bar maid Kim Ancona in Phoenix. Well until he was released from prison 10 years later after the DNA tests proved he didn't murder Kim Ancona. Of course to this date the Phoenix Police are 100 percent positive Ray Krone did it. Not because Ray Krone did it, but because they don't want to admit they framed a man for a murder he didn't commit and almost caused him to be executed, in addition to forcing him to spend 10 years in a hell hole for a crime he didn't commit. Glendale messy yard cops shake down woman for giving away foodThis is kind of interesting. The city of Glendale, Arizona wants to give millions in corporate welfare to the professional sports teams, but according to this article they are sending in the cold hearted messy yard cops to shake down a woman who is giving away food to homeless folks.Horne an embarrassment (hopefully) to himselfHere is an editorial by EJ Montini about Arizona Attorney General Tom Horne and Carmen Chenal whom allgegly Tom Horne is having an affair with, and that hit and run auto accident that Tom Horne had on his way to a secret meeting with Carmen Chenal to do whatever people do when they are having an affair.Bill Montgomery wants to flush a woman's right to have an abortion down the toilet???According to this article it seems like Maricopa County Attorney Bill Montgomery wants to flush a woman's right to have an abortion in Arizona down the toilet.Shame on you Bill Montgomery, government is supposed to protect our rights, not destroy them. Zetas cartel occupies Mexico state of CoahuilaCoahuila is a Mexican state that borders Texas.Of course if you ended the drug war all this crime and violence in Mexico would stop the next day. Here is the article about how the Zeta cartel is occupying the state of Coahuila. Nov 1 - Merry ChristmasApparently the ad season for Christmas has started in the Spanish language newspapers published in Phoenix.Walmart included a booklet in both newspapers La Voz and La Prensa with all kinds of goodies for children. On page 2 of the booklet was even a blank list for children to fill out and give to their parents. It said: Mi lista de deseosThat translates to My list of desires |
IRS selectively enforcing religious campaign contribution laws???According to this article the IRS is not enforcing the laws that forbid religious groups from giving politicians campaign contributions.I suspect the IRS is selectively enforcing the laws and will crucify any Christian cult or Muslim religious group that is not liked by our government masters when they break the laws. Woman framed for murder released after 8 years in prisonYou have heard the BS that the police and prosecutors would rather have 100 guilty people go free then have one innocent person be sent to prison.Well based on the number of articles I have posted you probably have figured out that is 100 percent bullsh*t. In reality the police would rather send 100 innocent people to prison so they can brag about how good they are at catching and convicting criminals before asking the public to pass a new tax to give them raises. Here is another article about Lana Canen who was framed by the Indiana police for murder and spent 8 years on prison before being releases. In this case the cops framed her with a fingerprint that wasn't even hers. Bighorn sheep airlifted from Nevada to Utah!!!Jesus, our royal rulers in the Federal government sure can come up with amazing and almost certainly unconstitutional ways to waste our tax dollars.In this silly program they are flying bighorn sheep from Nevada to Utah. If you ask me it sounds like a jobs program for folks that work for the game and fish department. Policía retirado aspira a derrotar al controvertido Arpaio con el voto latinoEn este articulo el policía retirado Paul Penzone aspira a lograr el próximo 6 de noviembre lo que nadie ha conseguido antes: derrotar en las urnas al controvertido alguacil del condado Maricopa, Joe Arpaio, y para ello busca el voto latino.Crece en el norte consumo de drogasIn this article it sure sounds like Felipe Calderon's war on drugs is a dismal failure like the America war on drugs.Swiss Bank Secrecy Ending???According to this article Swizerland's strict banking secrecy has been under assault from countries such as Germany and Britain as never before. Experts say the last veils may soon be dropped altogether, bringing the hush-hush tradition to an end.Culver City Mayor doesn't pay his taxes???I am not going to criticize Culver City Mayor Andrew Weissman for not paying his taxes, because after all taxes are stealing and no one should be forced to pay them.But Mayor Andrew Weissman is a hypocrite if he cheats on his taxes and expects the people he rules over to pay their taxes. Here is an article about the $500,000 or so in taxes the Mayor owes. Ex-Santa Fe Springs councilman gets 2 years in pot shop briberyWant to open a medical marijuana store? Hey, just give me $12,000 and it's a done deal said Santa Fe Springs city councilman Joseph Serrano Sr. according to this article.Scottsdale mayor Jim Lane's home robbedAccording to this article Scottsdale Mayor Jim Lane’s home was burglarized on Friday after someone broke in through the master bedroom and stole more than $10,000 worth of jewelry.Google has some translation bugs???
Feds p*ssing away billions on Sandy disaster???From this article it sounds like the Federal government is going to p*ss away billions of dollars on the Sandy disaster in New York and New Jersey, just like it p*ssed away billions of our tax dollars on the Katrina disaster in New Orleans.Nor’easter threatens weather-weary East CoastFrom this article it sounds like the East Coast is going to be hit by a Nor’easter after being whacked by Hurricane Sandy last week.Abortion protesters have free speech rights tooIn this article the Supreme Court says that people who protest abortions should have the same free speech rights as the rest up us. The article says that when the government violates those rights they should pay the legal fees of the people whom rights they violated.Even though I support a woman's right to get an abortion, I also support the Christian nut jobs right to protest abortions. You can see the Space Station from earthMany times you can see the Space Station and other satellites from earth.The ones I have seen usually look like stars or planets that move fast like airplanes do. This article is about how the Space Station is frequently visible from Earth. Cops railroad a fellow cop for rape???I have said a number of times that's cops can pretty much get away with any crimes they commit as long as they don't p*ss off their bosses.I suspect in this case the cop that seems to being railroaded for rape probably p*ssed off his boss. Cops raid manufacturers of Spice in ScottsdaleAccording to this article the cops are raiding manufacturers of Spice in Scottsdale.Border Patrol arrests 7, finds 138 lbs. of marijuanaAccording to this article the Border Patrol busted 7 people and 138 pounds of people that it found wandering around in the desert near Gila Bend.Four more years of terror from Sheriff JoeAccording to this article Sheriff Joe Arpaio will be terrorizing the citizens of Maricopa County for another 4 years [unless the old fart dies from a heart attack].I was hoping that Paul Penzone would kick Sheriff Joe's butt. Not that Paul Penzone is any better then Sheriff Joe, he isn't. Paul Penzone seems to be another "drug war" tyrant. He was an undercover narc for the city of Phoenix. I just thought it would be nice to end Sheriff Joe's 20 year reign of terror and replace him with a new tyrant. Here are the results for the election
Crooks modify checkout machines to steal credit cardsAccording to this article thieves are going into supermarkets and department stores and modifying the checkout machines to steal people's credit card numbers and PINs.The bottom line is thieves will go to where the money's at. When Willie Sutton was asked why he robbed banks he said "That's where the money is at". I guess that has changed and the money can now be stolen from electronic self service checkout machines in supermarkets and department stores. Taxpayers will be stuck withe $300,000 cost of fixing Wright home???From the headline in this article it sure sounds like the taxpayers of the city of Phoenix will be stuck with the $300,000 cost of fixing up this old rank Lloyd Wright Home.The article says the city of Phoenix commissioned a study to find the cost of fixing up the home and that is why I suspect the taxpayers will be stuck with the $300,000 bill to fix up this private property. Marijuana is now legal in Washington StateThank God, it sounds like we are now at the beginning of the end of the insane and unconstitutional "drug war".According to this article marijuana is now legal in Washington state. Of course I suspect all the Federal, Arizona, Maricopa County and local Phoenix, Tempe, Mesa, Scottsdale, Glendale, Peoria, Gilbert and Chandler piggies that read my web pages are unhappy with that because it means the drug war which pays your high salaries will eventually end and you will have to find "real" criminals who commit "real" crimes to arrest instead of arresting a bunch of harmless Cheech and Chong dopers who's only crime is eating too many burritos after smoking a joint, or laughing too loud. I am writing this at 5:30 in the morning Phoenix time and the newspapers have not yet decided if marijuana was also legalized in Colorado or Oregon which also have referendums on the ballot to legalize marijuana. If all three laws pass I am sure the overpaid, police terrorists that have been terrorizing American's the last 70 year arresting them for victimless drug war crimes will be very unhappy, because now they will have to arrest real criminals, instead of harmless pot smokers who are easy marks, instead of real criminals that will resist being arrested. Marijuana is now legal in ColoradoWow! marijuana is now legal in two American states, Colorado and Washington State according to this article.It sounds like the beginning of the end of the evil and unconstitutional "war on drugs". No more jackbooted police thugs arresting people for the victimless crime of using marijuana in Colorado. Hopefully this will mean all the police thugs who have been arresting pot smokers for years will be forced to retire and get jobs at McDonals flipping burgers. Of course those thugs will quickly be fired when they discover the free market doesn't work by pointing a gun at someones head and ordering them to buy a Big Mac, which is how cops are used to operating. More on legalized marijuana in Washington StateHere is an article from the Seattle Times on how voters in Washington State approve I-502 legalizing marijuana.Marijuana es legal en Washington y ColoradoEn este articulo marijuana es legal en Washington y ColoradoMesa to televise traffic court proceedings???According to this article the city of Mesa, Arizona is considering televising it's traffic court proceedings.I suspect it will be mostly and attempt to raise revenue by convincing people NOT to challenge their tickets, by threatening to embarrass them on television if they go to court. Sadly marijuana is still illegal in OregonAccording to this article voters in Oregon did not vote to re-legalize marijuana in Oregon.I guess the only good news is for the overpaid cops, who will get to continue their job of arresting people for the victimless crime of using marijuana and who won't be forced to start arresting dangerous real criminals like robbers, rapists and muggers. Of course the good news is that marijuana will probably be legal in Oregon and the rest of the United States in a few years as the draconian and unconstitutional "drug war" laws are repealed by citizens who are tire of police thugs arresting and jailing people for victimless "drug war" crimes. Lawyers spar over alleged 'code of silence' in Chicago police beatingThis article is about 200+ pound Chicago Police Officer Anthony Abbate who beat the living sh*t out of petite 100 pound Chicago bartender Karolina Obrycka.The article addresses the police code of silence which sadly probably exists in all police departments around the world. And of course if it had not been for video cameras recording the beating of Karolina Obrycka by crooked Chicago cop Anthony Abbate the crime almost certainly would have been covered up by the corrupt Chicago cops who protect other crooked cops like Anthony Abbate. More on legalized marijuana and gay marriageHere is an article from the San Francisco Chronicle on yesterdays elections which legalized marijuana in Washington and Colorado and legalized gay marriage in Maine and Maryland.Confessions of a former TSA agentHere is an article by a former TSA thug who talks about how they abuse airline passengers.Gay marriage was also a winner in yesterdays electionsHere are a few article on gay marriage which also was legalized in two states in yesterdays elections.Other states also shot down hate laws banning gay marriages. About the only losers in yesterdays elections were the Christian hate mongers who want to force their silly superstitions on the rest of us and make gay folks third class citizens. I suspect a lot of the cops who read these web pages spying on me are Christian nut jobs who hate gay folks. The "drug war" cops who get their jollies from arresting harmless marijuana smokers also lost in yesterdays elections. Those pigs will now be forced to hunt down real criminals like robbers, rapists and murderers instead of shaking down harmless and easy to arrest pot smokers. Freezing cold weather coming to Phoenix this week end!!!Well I guess I will have to get out my winter gear and wear 4 or 5 pairs of thermal underwear pants, add a couple layers of sweaters and of course get out my jacket for this coming weekend.Currently I am only wearing one pair of pants. I am also wearing 3 thermal underwear shirts, about 6 sweatshirts and a light sweat jacket. Source Libertarian Gary Johnson loses Presidential electionI have heard rumors that Libertarian Candidate Gary Johnson lost the Presidential election to Obama, but I have not seen any news articles documenting Gary Johnson lose to Emperor Obama.You can be assure that when I see the first article documenting Gary Johnson lose to President Obama I will post it here. Secular Coalition for American selects Gary Johnson as best choice for PresidentIn this questionnaire given to the Presidential candidates about their beliefs on separation of religion and government Libertarian Gary Johnson came out at the top of the list.In this comparison of Presidential candidates by the Secular Coalition for American, Libertarian Gary Johnson came in first with a B, followed by President Obama who got a C and Romney came in last with an F. Jill Stein who is the Green Party candidate didn't get a grade because they were not able to identify her position on separation of church and state based on the answers she gave. It's too bad the NRA and other gun groups don't include the Libertarian candidates in their surveys. Libertarians who believe in the Libertarian Party's NIFF party positions would always beat or tie Democrats and Republicans. Here is the survey. I created my copy of the 2012 Presidential Candidate Scorecard here. Democrats lie just like RepublicansIn this article Stephen Lemons of the Phoenix New Times points out that Democrats lie just as much as the Republicans they hate lie.In the article Stephen Lemons points out that the Democrats are lying about Republican Jerry Lewis being a nut job like Russell Pearce whom he replaced. Personally I don't like either Russell Pearce or Jerry Lewis, but I have to admit that Jerry Lewis is a thousand times less of a nut job then Russell Pearce. Bill Macumber spent 37 years in prison for a murder he didn't commitFrom this article it looks like Bill Macumber was framed by Maricopa County prosecutor for a murder he didn't commit.I am not sure if he was framed by the Scottsdale Police, the Phoenix Police or perhaps the Maricopa County Sheriff. Either way he is having a hearing today and may be released from prison after spending 30 years in prison for a murder he didn't commit. Boy it must be annoying for the cops that routinely read this web page looking for stuff to put in in jail with. It seems like almost every week I post a new article about some poor smuck that got framed for murder by the Phoenix, Tempe, Scottsdale, Mesa or Gilbert cops who spent 10, 20 or 30 years in prison for a crime they didn't commit and is now just being released. If you were an honest cop I suspect that would be really disturbing. On the other hand I suspect most of the pigs that are assigned to read my web pages and emails are crooks and it doesn't bother you a bit when you fellow crooked pigs frame some innocent person and make him spend 10, 20 or 30 years in prison for a crime they didn't commit like Bill Macumber did. I often say the only difference between a mafia thug and a police officer is a mafia thug knows what he is doing is wrong, while a police officer who commits the same terrible crimes thinks his actions are alright even if they are illegal. William Macumber freed after spending 37 years in prison for a murder he didn't commitAccording to this article William Macumber has been freed after spending 37 years in prison for a murder he didn't commit.I guess this means either two things about Maricopa County Attorney Bill Montgomery, either he is soft on crime and lets murderers out of prison early, or he covers up the crimes of the cops and prosecutors who framed William Macumber and sent him to prison for 37 years for a crime someone else committed. DPS officer’s appeal of lawsuit is questionedMan cops do some things that would make criminals blush.According to this article Geoff Jacobs is a former DPS cop who wrote a fake obituary about an ex-girlfriend and using it as proof of her death so he could transfer an airline ticket in her name to another woman for a tropical vacation. The article goes on to talk about how he is appealing the lawsuit about his firing. Obama gets Latino vote despite the fact that he screwed them!!!!It's interesting how people will continue to vote for politicians that screw them.Obama pretty much broke all of the promises he made to the Latinos when he was elected to his first term. But according to this article but that didn't prevent the Latinos he screwed over from voting for Obama a second time. Obama also screwed over the gays, marijuana users and anti-war folks by not keeping the promises he made to them when he was elected in 2008. I wonder if they also voted for him a second time? 4 years ago I was real happy when Obama wonLook 4 years ago when Obama was running against John McCain I didn't like either of them.But I was hoping that Obama would win, because I thought he would end the wars in Iraq and Afghanistan. And I was happy Obama won because I figured he would quickly end the wars in Iraq and Afghanistan. Sadly Obama didn't quickly end either war, and although he pretended to end the Iraq war the American Empire is still occupying Iraq. The same will be true in Afghanistan when Obama pretends to end that war. The American Empire will also be in Afghanistan for years. Sadly Obama turned out to be a carbon copy clone of both George W. Bush and John McCain. Obama is a war monger just like George W. Bush and John McCain. This time around when Obama was running against Mitt Romney I didn't like either of them. They are both war mongers and tax and spend crooks. This time alleged Republican Mitt Romney is a tax and spend clone of Emperor Obama. And sadly Obamacare is just a clone of Romneycare which was invented by Romney when he was governor of Massachusetts. This time I was rooting for Romney, not that I liked him any better then Obama, but I figured it would be nice to end Obama's term. The Christian belief on what happened to the dinosaursThe Biblical Extinction Theory - Christians believe some really silly things!!!! |
Democrat, Republican or Communist Convention???Wow! In this article it sounds just like a Democratic or Republican convention in the USA. The politicians are demanding an end to government corruption. A demand that we know will never materialize.Of course this article is about a Republican or Democratic convention in the USA, the article is about a Communist convention in Red China. I guess the bottom line is our American government is just as corrupt as the "evil" Commie governments that American politicians routinely demonize. California voters terrorize marijuana smokersDespite voters legalizing marijuana in Washington and Colorado, votes in California were busy terrorizing marijuana smokers according to this article.LA requires porn stars to wear condomsAccording to this article voters in Los Angeles County passed a silly law requiring porn actors to wear condoms.In addition to be a silly law, the law is probably unconstitutional and the Free Speech Coalition is probably going to sue over the law. Prosecutors who steals campaign signs elected judgeAccording to this article Lake County prosecutor Patricia Fix who was accused of stealing her opponents campaign sign was elected to be a judge.No wonder government is so corrupt!!!!! Maricopa County sheriff’s deputy beats up wife's loverAccording to this article Maricopa County Deputy Timothy Abrahamson is accused of beating up a man in North Dakota who was having an affair with his wife.More on the Kyrsten Sinema, Vernon Parker electionAs of now we still don't know who has won the election for Arizona Congressional District 9 between socialist Green Party members Kyrsten Sinema who is running as a Democrat and Republican Vernon Parker. I don't like Vernon Parker any more then I like Kyrsten Sinema, but I was hoping Vernon Parker would win because he will probably steal less of my money then tax and spend socialist Kyrsten Sinema will steal. But either ways here is an update on that race. The last vote totals I saw on this election claimed to be final, but that was a mistake by the Republic. Here are those totals:
First Amendment null and void in Santa Cruz, CaliforniaI love calling jackbooted government thugs "Nazis", but it appears that in Santa Cruz, California your right to call a government thug a "Nazi" doesn't exist and the First Amendment is null and void.According to this article Robert Norse was arrested and thrown out of a Santa Cruz City Council meeting for making a Nazi salute. But sadly the article goes on to say that Robert Norse lost his lawsuit in Federal Court saying his 1st Amendment free speech rights were violated when he was arrested and thrown out of the meeting for making the Nazi salute. I am sure the Founders knew there would be government rulers like the folks on the Santa Cruz City Council and that is why they made the Second Amendment. Businesses think Obama's tax and spend policies will hurt them???From these articles it sounds like the business community doesn't have any confidence that Obama's tax and spend policies will help them.600,000 ballots still need to be countedI guess the current question is will tax and spend socialist Kyrsten Sinema be elected to Congress.Well according to this article there are still over a half million ballots that need to be counted in Arizona and we won't know the answer to that question for a few days. Glendale Mom Falsely Imprisoned; Now State Wants Her U.S. Birth CertificateFirst this woman was falsely imprisoned, now the state of Arizona wants to take her birth certificate away.Read more about it in this article. Ex-inmate savors 1st breaths of freedom after being falsely imprisoned for 37 yearsAccording to this article Bill Macumber is one happy camper after spending 37 years in prison for a crime he didn't commit.But don't expect the Maricopa County prosecutors or the local police that framed him to say they are sorry. Those cold blooded b*stard claim he is guilty and being released on a technicality. Yea, I guess being released from prison because you are innocent could be called a technicality. Especially when the cops and prosecutors don't want to admit they force a man to spend 37 years in a cage for a crime he didn't commit. Colorado, Washington throw a monkey wrench into Mexico's "Drug War"According to this article when voters in Colorado and Washington state voted this week to legalize marijuana for recreational use that is throwing a monkey wrench into Mexico's "drug war".While the tyrants in Washington D.C. will almost certainly attempt to stick their heads in the sand and pretend the marijuana is still illegal in all 50 states, Mexican President Peña Nieto seems to want to look at the issue logically. The Mexican government seems to realized that making marijuana illegal in Mexico, when that same marijuana magically becomes legal as soon as it enters the American states of Colorado and Washington is a pretty stupid effort. To bad the American public that is against the insane "drug war" can't send these Mexican politicians to Washington D.C. to beat some logic and reason into our elected officials. On the other hand the "Drug War" is nothing but a jobs program and a government welfare program for all the cops, prosecutors, prison guards and politicians who are involved in arresting and jailing people for committing victimless drug war crimes. So I guess a little common sense won't do any good to convince them that the "Drug War" is a dismal failure. Of course for them the "Drug War" is a huge success, not because the "Drug War" is stopping anybody from using drugs, but because the "Drug War" is filling their wallets full of cash. Fixing the subways Hurricane Sandy FloodedHere is an interesting article about how the subways in New York City were fixed after being flooded by Hurricane Sandy.Light rain, and it's not really cold yetOn Thursday it rained maybe 60 to 100 drops. Other then that it didn't rain much. More rain is expected this weekend.I thought it would be real cold, but it wasn't that cold. This is the first time this winter that I have worn my jacket. The high is supposed to drop down into the 60°'s this weekend so I suspect it will get real cold tonight. American drones violated Iran's airspace???According to this article Iran attempted to shoot down a US drone that was spying on Iran.A guy I know who was in the U.S. Air Force during the cold war said this was rather routine during the cold war and American planes would routinely violate Soviet and Chinese air space as party of their silly military games designed to test the defenses of the Soviets and Chinese. Colo., Wash. await federal marijuana responseFrom this article it sounds like royal rulers of Colorado and Washington are unhappy the serfs they rule over voted to legalize marijuana for recreational use and are hoping Uncle Sam's goons will give them a lame excuse to flush the will of the people in their states down the toilet and prevent marijuana from being legalized.While the Founders have been dead for years, I suspect that if you asked them for the reason they passed the Second Amendment they would say to allow the people to protect themselves from government tyrants such as these. Appeals court rules in favor of Sheriff Joe's thugsAccording to this article an The Arizona Court of Appeals screwed a victim who was beaten up by Sheriff Joe's goons out of $205,000.The court allowed Delano Yanes to keep $650,000 out of the original $855,000 the lower court ruling gave him for being beaten up by Sheriff Joe Arpaio's thugs. Pot legalization puts bankers in a pickleOK, the insane drug war, or at least the insane drug war against marijuana has ended in Colorado and Washington.The next questions is will the tyrants in the Federal government use the bank laws to shut down the recreational marijuana business in Colorado and Washington states? For more on that check out this article. Nov 9 - Rain!!! - Cold!!!!It finally got cold. Last night I had to wear my coat because it was so cold. Also I had to wear my gloves because of the cold.I didn't think it would be cold enough to wear my gloves, but I woke up in the middle of the night and my hands were freezing so I put my gloves on. Today is also the first day of this winter that I am wearing a coat in the day time. I also wore my gloves while I was riding my bike. I knew it was going to rain, so I built a roof over my camp to keep the rain out. It worked pretty well. I heard what sounded like heavy rain twice and I didn't get a drop of water on me. I left one of the sheets of cardboard that I sleep on uncovered and it got soaking wet so I guess it rained pretty good, and my roof worked pretty well. Source Will Humble hates marijuana users? Probably!!!!From this article it sure sounds like WIll Humble who is the Director of the Arizona Department of Health Services hates medical marijuana users and is doing everything possible to throw a monkey wrench into Prop 203 which is Arizona's medical marijuana law and prevent people who are legally allowed to use medical marijuana from using it.I bet Will Humble voted for Kyrsten Sinema!!! Kyrsten Sinema is the government tyrant who tried to slap a 300% tax on medical marijuana in an attempt to also flush Prop 203 down the toilet. Will Humble's report on medical marijuanaWhile we are on the subject of medical marijuana and Will Humble who is the Director of Arizona's Department of Health Services and who seems like he is doing everything possible to prevent people who are allowed to use medical marijuana from doing so, here is a report produced by Will Humble's gang of marijuana haters at the Arizona Department of Health Services.Sheriff Joe Loves Mexicans??? Yea, sure and Hitler Loves JewsAccording to this article Sheriff Joe is trying to get the Mexicans to love him. Yea, and Hitler is also probably trying to get the Jews to love him.Both of those jerks would say anything to get themselves elected. On the other hand there ain't many politicians that won't lie to get themselves elected and that even includes a few hypocrite Arizona Libertarians I know. Egyptian Islamists rally for Shariah lawI don't know which is worse, religion or government.Although I suspect they are both pretty much the same. They both demand blind obedience to the royal rulers. The both have silly laws governing victimless crimes which they will severely punish you for breaking. According to this article the religious nut jobs in Egypt want the new government to be a religious government. Get Rid of Andy??? |
CIA director Petraeus resigns over extramarital affairMore of the old "Do as I say, not as I do" from our government masters.I know that in the military it is illegal to have an affair. But of course in this article we find out that former four-star general David Petraeus has been having a big time affair.
Marcos de Niza graffiti in South Mountain Park is fake???According to this article that Marcos de Niza graffiti in South Mountain Park is fake.In Pima Canyon there is rock behind an old iron cage that was inscribed Fr. Marcos de Niza corona todo el nuebo Mexico a su costaClay Thompson says in this article that it is a fake created in the 1920's. I have seen the rock a few times when I was hiking there and I was dumb enough to think it was real. I guess I should have been a little bit smarter. Marcos de Niza would have never taking time off from his official mission of stealing gold from Indian men and raping Indian women that he would have never stopped to carve some stinking graffiti on some rock on a small mountain in South Mountain Park. The Door to Hell - La Puerta del Infierno - DerwezeThis is an interesting article about a huge man made fire in Russia or I guess currently Turkmenistan.The hole was created by geologists searching for natural gas. They started it on fire in 1971 hoping to burn off any poison gas and expected it to burn off in a few days. Well it's been burning since then. Arizona Department of Health Services continues to demonize medical marijuanaIn this article Will Humble and the drug war tyrants at the Arizona Department of Health Services are still wasting our tax dollars demonizing medical marijuana.Don't these creeps have any real jobs to do to justify their stratospheric salaries??? Uncle Sam upset that Washington & Colorado legalized marijuanaFrom this article it sounds like our royal government rulers in Washington D.C. are furious that the voting serfs in Washington state and Colorado passed laws legalizing marijuana in those states.I am sure I am going to be posting articles on this on going fight for months and possibly years. Christian nut jobs failed in the last election???Thank God for their failure [put intended].According to this article in the last election the Christian nut jobs failed to shove their religious agendas on the rest of us using the force of government. Two states voted to legalize marijuana. Four states voted to allow gay marriage, or voted in favor of it one way or another. Vatican wants government to force Catholic values on youYou can count on the Catholic Church using local governments for force their Catholic values on you according to this article.The article says the Catholic Church is unhappy that voters in 4 states supported the right of gay people to marry. And if you have studies the Bible as a good Christian you know that the Christian God hates gay folks. The Wacky Pot Law That Failed in OregonIn this article they talk about Oregon law to legalize marijuana for recreational use which failed.Don't blame me for the silly title of the article. I just repost the articles as I see them. Vatican court convicts computer programmer in leaks scandalI couldn't possibly work for a billion dollar business that believes their magical God created the world in 7 days. A business that treats woman and gays as 3rd class citizens.But who cares about that, here is a story of how a Vatican computer programmer, Claudio Sciarpelletti, was convicted of leaking Vatican documents, which later formed the core of an Italian journalist’s book alleging corruption in high ranks of the Vatican bureaucracy. Gregory Melikian ends the war in EuropeAccording to this story Gregory Melikian ended the war in Europe. Well, OK, he didn't single handedly end the war in Europe, but he did send out the radio message that ended the war in Europe.Sheriff Joe's "drug war" thugs to get machine gunsAccording to this article Sheriff Joe's goons who are involved in the drug war will soon be issued machine guns or "automatic weapons" as the article calls them.If Sheriff Joe's thugs were out arresting real criminals I wouldn't have a problem with giving them machines guns. But sadly Sheriff Joe seems more interested in arresting Mexicans that work as maid, burger flippers, gardeners, and construction workers then hunting down real criminals like robbers and rapists. Phoenix creating welfare program for ASU baseballFrom this article it sounds like the city of Phoenix may be creating a government welfare program for Arizona State University's baseball team.This won't be the first government welfare program the city of Phoenix has created for ASU. The ASU campus in downtown Phoenix was mostly paid for by the taxpayers of Phoenix. Mesa has $70 million in corporate welfare to piss awayMesa residents, hide your wallets, Mesa Mayor Scott Smith wants to give away $70 million of your money out as corporate welfare according to this article.Unlikely allies behind marijuana votes in Washington, ColoradoI suspect we are going to have stories for days and months to come on the legalizing of marijuana in Washington and Colorado and of course here is one of them.The only people that lose from legalizing drugs are the cops, prosecutors and prison guards that make big bucks for jailing people for victimless drug war crimes. Of course everybody else is a winner, because we won't be spend billions on arresting, prosecution and jailing people for a harmless, victimless crime. I suspect all the folks who are paid by the Homeland Security to read my web pages are unhappy about the legalization of pot in Washington and Colorado because it will mean a big cut in the government welfare program that pays big bucks to cops to arrest people for the harmless and victimless crime of using or selling marijuana. Secret Service shakes woman down for wishing Obama was deadJesus, don't these Secret Service agents have any real criminals to hunt down?According to this article the Secret Service is shaking down Denise Helms of Turlock, California was wishing that Obama was dead. This reminds me of the case where the Secret Service locked up Kevin Walsh in a mental institution for 6 months for also wishing the President was dead. That President was Bush, not Obama. Constitution allows Congress to police poachers in Africa????What part of the Constitution gives the Feds the power to spend money to stop poaching in Africa???I bet the Supreme Court will say the interstate commerce clause, which they routinely use to justify all the other unconstitutional acts of Congress. According to this article the US Government is wasting our tax dollars in Africa to stop poachers. Yea, sure, it's a noble cause. But please what part of the Constitution gives the tyrants in Congress to pass laws allowing the US Government to fight poachers in Africa??? Even if you correctly say "no part" the twits in the Supreme Court will probably say the "Interstate commerce" clause does. That's the clause they use to justify almost all the other illegal and unconstitutional laws that Congress passes. Judge who was caught beating his daughter returns to the benchAccording to this article Texas judge William Adams of Aransas County who was shown in a video beating his teenage daughter in 2004 returns to the bench this week after the Texas Supreme Court lifted his suspension.He was suspended him when a video of him beating of his daughter became an Internet sensation. ABC15: Valley police ignore evidence in thousands of rape casesAccording to this article police in the Phoenix area are ignoring evidence in thousands of rape cases.Hey, I am just reposting the article. Personally I think rape is wrong period. I am not a male Calvinist pig who thinks men have some God giving right to have sex with woman. On the other hand rape is one of those crimes where when a person gets angry with their partner they some times lie and say consensual sex was rape. And of course it's often impossible to figure out who is lying and who is telling the truth. So I don't have the answers to the questions of how those rape cases should be handled. Gay marriage victories may signal larger shiftIf you ask me marriage should be a civil contract between two or more people. I don't think the government should have any business deciding who can and who can't get married.And according to this article many more Americans seem to agree with me on that and are voting to legalize gay marriages. Chicago government bureaucrats commit felonies by recording reporters callsAccording to this article government bureaucrats that work for the city of Chicago committed felonies by illegally tape recording calls they made to reporters of the Chicago Tribune without telling the reporters that they were recording the calls.In Illinois it is illegal to tape record phone conversations unless ALL the parties in the phone call know the conversation is being tape recorded. That law differs from most other states like Arizona where it is legal to tape record phone conversations as long as at least one person knows the call is being tape recorded. Sadly this Illinois laws has an exception and allows the police to record peoples conversations. But the government bureaucrats tape recording the calls were not cops. What part of the Constitution allows the Feds to give handouts to disaster victims?According to this article New York Gov. Andrew M. Cuomo plans to ask the federal government for at least $30 billion in disaster aid to help New York City.Of course my question is What part of the Constitution allows the Feds to give handouts to disaster victims? I suspect the Supreme Court which routinely uses the "Interstate Commerce" clause to justify illegal and unconstitutional a acts by the Feds will say the "Interstate Commerce". But the rest of us know that is a bunch of BS. And of course while we are talking about Arizona Congressional candidate Kyrsten Sinema I am sure she would love to give $30 billion of her money, oops, I mean the taxpayers money (she thinks it's HER money) to the folks in NYC. After all $30 billion would buy her a lot of votes to get reelected in 2014. Love mixing religion and government? Move to Tunisia!!!If you love living in a religious theocracy you may want to consider moving to Tunisia.According to this article they are talking about creating a new constitution that implements Shariah, or Islamic law. But don't worry, their version of Shariah, or Islamic law, will be much better then the previous dictators version of Shariah, or Islamic law. 25 years in prison for smoking crack???California's 3 strikes law is a huge waste of money, in addition to being a draconian law that inhumanely jails people for life for committing victimless drug war crimes.While this article is mostly about allegedly "rehabilitating" drug addicts the star of the article is a drug addict who almost got life in prison for the victimless crime of selling crack. While I have always demanded that ALL drugs be 100 percent legal many of my critics lie and say encourage people to take drugs. That is 100 percent BS. I think using drugs for recreational purposes is stupid. Of course I think that throwing people in prison for using recreational drugs is even stupider and also a huge waste of tax dollars. Californians unhappy they weren't first to legalize marijuana and gay marriageThis article from the San Francisco Chronicle makes it sound like folks in California are unhappy they were not the first state to legalize pot and gay marriage.Hey, despite the fact that California is a socialist police state I still like it. Corrupt San Mateo cops cause murder charges to be dropped??According to this article a judge dropped the murder charges against Gregory Elarms because the San Mateo piggies refused to honor his 5th Amendment rights.If this guy is guilty of murder and he walks you can blame it all on the corrupt San Mateo police who refused to honor his 5th Amendment rights and attempted to get a confession illegally. Sadly the article seems to say the cops already had enough evidence to get a conviction and didn't need to force him into confessing. Cops have a God given right to park illegally???In this letter to the editor Karen Mace, who is the wife of a Bay Area police officer seems to think that cops have a God given right to commit crimes.Religious police murder Iranian blogger???According to this article Iranian blogger Sattar Beheshti appears to have been murdered by the police while he was being jailed.First Amendment is null and void in U.S. Military???According to Mikey Weinstein of the Military Religious Freedom Foundation who spoke yesterday at the Americans United meeting in Phoenix when it comes to freedom of religion in the US Military for all practical purposes the First Amendment is null and void.While I probably disagree with Michael L. Weinstein on most issues of government and the military, I am certain that we both agree that it is important not to allow government and religion to be mixed as it currently is being done in the U.S. Military. It was a lot like a talk by by the folks from LEAP which is a group of police officers who are against the insane "drug war". I probably disagree with all the cops from LEAP on most issues, expect we all agree that the insane "drug war" is a dismal failure and should be ended. I suspect I pretty much have the same feeling about Michael L. Weinstein and his Military Religious Freedom Foundation. Light rail rent-a-cops can't write tickets???According to this article the city of Phoenix is considering changing it's charter to allow the rent-a-cops that patrol the Phoenix side of the light rail system to allow the rent-a-cops to write tickets.I thought under Arizona law that civilians were only allowed to make citizens arrests for "felonies", not "misdemeanors". And of course stealing a ride on the light rail is a felony I think when ever the light rail narcs caught somebody taking a free ride they had to call the cops and let the cops write the person a ticket. Phoenix has 20 unneeded cops & firemen it's sending to NYC???According to this article the city of Phoenix has 20 unneeded cops and firemen that it is sending to New York City to help with the damage cause by Hurricane Sandy.My first question is who is paying for this? Are the taxpayers of Phoenix going to spend millions of our tax dollars to sent Phoenix cops to police New York City??? Second this sounds like the city of Phoenix as 20 unneeded cops and firemen on it's payroll that are unneeded? Are these missing cops and firemen who won't be working in Phoenix going to endanger the lives of Phoenix citizens by not being at work? I suspect that is the case, the cops and firemen are unneeded and just government bureaucrats with nothing to do. Of course if that is the case why aren't these unneeded cops and firemen laid off??? ICE cops sent to prison for child pornAnother one of those "Do as I say, not as I do" cases from our government masters.According to this article a cop who works for ICE or the U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement has received 70 months in prison for having child porn. Personally I don't think the government should be putting people in prison for having "dirty pictures", but if our government rulers expect us serfs to obey those draconian laws, they should also obey them. We are screwed!!!!! Kyrsten SinemaAccording to these articles Kyrsten Sinema has won the election and is now a member of the U.S. House of Representatives.When it comes to taxing and spending Kyrsten Sinema is the worst elected official in Arizona. She thinks every cent in your wallet is hers. Kyrsten Sinema is also a big time supporter of the insane and unconstitutional "war on drugs". Kyrsten Sinema tried to flush Arizona's medical marijuana laws which are Prop 203 by passing a 300 percent tax on medical marijuana. Kyrsten Sinema is also a big fan of the police state. She is routinely endorse by the police unions. And of course when you are endorsed by the police unions you usually have to pass laws giving cops lots of money. God provided us with marijuana???In this letter to the editor Mike Templeton of Mesa complains about the government's continued attempts to flush Prop 203 down the toilet and stop people from using medical marijuana.Although I am an atheist and don't believe in God, I still must admit that marijuana is a wonder drug. When I was a kid we just thought pot was a weed that gave you a good buzz. Of course as scientists have studied marijuana over the years the drug certainly seems to have a number of amazing medical benefits for the people that use it. Of course the "drug war" tyrants at the DEA had classified marijuana as a drug with no medical use whatsoever, and that is a bunch of BS. The folks at the DEA are just thugs that want to keep marijuana illegal because throwing people that use the harmless drugs is a jobs program for them. Why am I thinking of Kyrsten Sinema now? OH, that's right, Kyrsten Sinema is the government bureaucrat that tried to pass a law slapping a 300 percent tax on medical marijuana. Government Tamiflu vaccination doesn't work???According this article the Tamiflu vaccination which was more or less created with the backing of governments doesn't work.The article says some people are demanding that Roche, the company that produced the allegedly worthless vaccine give the governments that stockpiled millions of doses of the drug their money back because the drug doesn't work. Why am I thinking of Kyrsten Sinema now? Kyrsten Sinema seems like the type of politician that thinks the serfs she rules over are too stupid to take care of ourselves. And of course for that reason she seems to sponsor silly and expensive boondoggles like this where her government spends billions protecting us from imaginary illnesses with vaccines that don't work. Of course the only people that win out of this are the politicians who get their high salaries despite wasting our money on these boondoggles. And of course the companies that the politicians give the contracts to, which in this case is Roche. I suspect Roche will not be required to pay back anybody for the non-working Tamiflu vaccine. Petraeus hoped affair would stay secretMore of the old "Do as I say, not as I do" from our government masters.Look I could care less who General Petraeus is humping. That should only be know by him, his mistress and perhaps his wife. His employeer, the US Government certainly doesn't have any business stick it's nose behind his bedroom doors to see who he is having sex with. The problem I have with this affair is that our government masters routinely put us in jail for the laws they routinely break. Here is the latest article on the General Petraeus sex scandal with Paula Broadwell. Using math and statistics to win electionsObama's plunge into data crunching paid offBecause of the small percentage of people that vote I suspect it is very easy if you know what you are doing to use math and statistics to target the people you need to get to vote so you can win your election.And of course this article is about how Obama used math and statistics to target his marketing effort to help him win the election. A crown of "horse poop" for Prince CharlesAccording to this article Castislav "Sam" Bacanov of New Zealand was planning on giving Prince Charles a crown that any king or other royal government tyrant deserves to wear - a bucket of horse manure.Hey Mr. Bacanov, I think you have a great sense of how royal government rulers should dress. Maybe you could move to American and give our politicians some nice looking clothing that would be fitting for Prince Charles to wear. I doubt if Arizona Governor Jan Brewer will want to talk to you, but I bet she would look great in some of your designer clothing. You probably have heard of Arizona, we are the racist state that come up with SB 1070 which is a "hate Mexicans" law. We recently replaced Alabama as the most racist state in the nation. And we have that creepy Sheriff called Sheriff Joe Arpaio, who claims to be the worst Sheriff in the USA, when in reality he is the worst *sshole in the entire world. In Arizona our racist politicians claim they are not racists. They think Blacks should have the same rights as Mexicans and Indians. I guess the theme is equal rights for all colored folks, although they probably will tell you it's no rights for colored folks. I was going to say something that Obama would look in your designer line of clothing, but I better not. The Secret Service might get up set. Either way Mr. Castislav "Sam" Bacanov, I think you have great taste in knowing how politicians and royalty should dress. Phoenix Sky Train - Another billion dollar boondoggle!!!!!This article says passengers can ride the Sky Train for free! But it forgets to mention that EVERY person that flies into or out of Sky Harbor Airport gets shaken down for a $5 tax on their airline tickets to pay for this billion dollar boondoggle.Of course most of the passengers that fly into or out of Sky Harbor Airport won't use the Sky Train, which will make the per trip cost of each Sky Train ride cost something like $10, $15, $20 or $30 per trip. And that is a lousy trip of about two miles max from one end of Sky Harbor Airport to the other end. The Sky Train boondoggle is a lot like the Phoenix Light Rail boondoggle. It costs passengers a measly $1.75 for a single trip on the light rail. But it cost the government around $17 to provide each trip a passenger pays $1.75 for No more freezing cold weather this week???Source Is Arizona spending the right amount of money on prisonsIn this Sound Off article John Semmens thinks we are spending way too much on prisons in Arizona because of the insane drug war that arrests people for the victimless crime of smoking marijuana.American Academy of Pediatrics want to make medical marijuana illegalAccording to this article some "do gooding" twits at the American Academy of Pediatrics want to make medical marijuana illegal for pregnant woman.These self proclaimed "do gooders" cause nothing but problems for the rest of us when they stick their noses in our business and get the government to pass silly laws protecting us from ourselves. These same "do gooders" are the idiots that caused America's failed war on booze which was called the Prohibition. If you ask me this issue should be treated the same way that the abortion issue is. If a woman wants to have an abortion he should be her choice, not the choice of some government nanny or some "do gooder" at the American Academy of Pediatrics. The same should be true if a woman wants to use marijuana. It should be her choice, not the choice of some government nanny or some "do gooder" at the American Academy of Pediatrics. Want Arizona to secede from the Union???Sign a White House petition for Arizona to secede from the UnionAccording to this article there is a petition on the White House web site for people who want Arizona to seceded from the Union to sign.There are also petitions on the White House web site for folks in a number of other states who want to secede from the Union to also sign. The draw back is that you have to create and account at the White House web site to sign the petition and that will probably cause the U.S. government to brand you as a terrorist criminal and FBI agents will soon be reading your emails. And of course you can also expect to get a whole slew of vote for Obama messages once Emperor Obama has got your email address. The petition is at this URL. Here is a tiny URL version of it: United Arab Emirates tightens its laws on Web activismAccording to this article the UAE or United Arab Emirates which is backed by Western governments is censoring the internet.Obama signs secret directive to help thwart cyberattacksSecret laws to protect us from secret enemies???Read more about it here. Software allows cops to search for your face with surveillance camerasWith the software in this article the police could have their surveillance cameras in a airport, train station or customs entry port search for the faces of suspect drug smugglers or criminals. That's the scary 1984 side of the article.On the other hand store owners could use the same software to allow them to identify know shoplifters and thieves who enter their stores so they can be throw out before having the opportunity to steal anything. Marijuana legalization: States send message, feds aren't listeningAccording to this article Uncle Sam is not listening to the people demand that marijuana be legalized.If you ask me neither are the government bureaucrats in the state governments. Here in Arizona our governor Jan Brewer along with her marijuana hating shill Will Humble in the Arizona Department of Health Services are doing every thing possible to flush the will of the people to legalize medical marijuana down the toilet. I suspect the reason that both the rulers in the Federal government, and the rulers in the state governments are not listening to the message from the people that we want to legalize marijuana is that the "drug war" is also a huge jobs program and welfare program for cops, prosecutors, probation officers, prison guards, construction companies that build prisons, and of course government bureaucrats. And of course the last thing these well paid government bureaucrats want to do is legalize marijuana which will end their high paying jobs. Sadly the "war on drugs" is not about protecting Americans from drug uses, but it's a government welfare program for the government bureaucrats that arrest, jail and pretend to rehabilitate people who commit the victimless crime of smoking or selling marijuana Cops routinely commit perjury to bust suspected "drug war" criminals?This article is about some Los Angeles cops who illegally searched a suspected drug dealer.When the cops found drugs in their illegal search then then made up a lie and said that they didn't illegally search Guillermo Alarcon, but rather that the illegal drugs he had just magically fell out of his pocket and the package the drugs were in broke open giving the cops "probably cause" to arrest him. Sadly these illegal search probably occur many times every day across the USA. The webmaster has been illegally searched a number of times by crooked cops in Phoenix, Scottsdale, Tempe and Mesa. The webmaster doesn't take drugs so the cops didn't find anything in and of their illegal searches but sadly illegal searches are rather routine in the insane and unconstitutional American "war on drugs". One disgusting thing in the article is that LAPD Police Chief Charlie Beck seems more concerned that his cops are being fired because they committed perjury, then the fact that his cops tried to illegally frame Guillermo Alarcon after illegally searching him. From that I suspect LAPD Police Chief Charlie Beck could care less if his police officers routinely commit felonies in their war on drugs. It's getting real coldAfter I woke up this morning I was freezing. I wonder why I didn't freeze during the night. I guess I should start wearing two or three pairs of thermal underwear on my legs and another couple of sweatshirts on my top. Brrrr. Hace mucho frio!!!Chicago Police Beating - Anthony Abbate GuiltyIn this article Chicago cop Anthony Abbate was accused of beating the krap out of female bartender Karolina Obrycka who was half of his size.The jury awarded the bartender, Karolina Obrycka, $850,000 in compensatory damages. The beating was caught on videotape. House Speaker Hastert used government office for private businessAccording to this article U.S. House Speaker Hastert used government office for private business.Of course if you ask me that isn't a big deal. But the problem here is our government masters are a bunch of hypocrites who expect us to obey the rules, but they routinely disobey the same rules they will severely punish us for breaking. Rita Crundwell embezzles $53 million from Dixon??According to this article Rita Crundwell the comptroller in the small town of Dixon embezzled $53 million from from that city.Port of Oakland audit raises questionsAccording to this article the golf, massages, topless dancers and gifts were all part of the job - Honest!!!It would have been impossible for the Port of Oakland to continue it's operations if Omar Benjamin had not spent thousands of dollars on topless dancers, golf clubs, massages and gifts. Beleive that and I have some property in Florida I would like to sell you. Tom Horne is tracking his enemies with tax dollars??Wow according to this article Tom Horne considers his government employees who donated to his opponent in the election, Felecia Rotellini, his enemies and is using our tax dollars to monitor and track them.Remember Tom Horne is the jerk who asked Arizona Governor Jan Brewer to declare Prop 203 null and void so he could start throwing medical marijuana smokers in prison. Tom Horne is starting to sound like a clone of Sheriff Joe. Kind of like Maricopa County Attorney Andrew Thomas or Pinal County Sheriff Paul Babeu. Border Patrol under scrutiny for deadly forceThe U.S. Border Patrol or ICE as they are now know murdered a 16 year old boy to prevent a few pounds of marijuana from being smuggled into the USA. That is insane.This article is about that murder committed by the Border Patrol. Jail nurses steal drugs from their patientsAccording this article some nurses in the Santa Clara County Jail have been stealing drugs that were prescribed for their patients.You can blame this on the insane drug war. If drugs were legal nurses would not be stealing them from their patients. And why do nurses steal drugs from their patients? Because the "drug war" has created a black market for drugs, which has made the drugs outrageously expensive. Of course if drugs were legal they would be dirt cheap and these nurses would not have to steal drugs from their patients to get their fixes. Vote for me and I will give you free stuff!!!!!Romney: Obama won election because of 'gifts'I don't agree with this, but sadly that's how government works. You promise free stuff to your special interest groups and hope enough of them show up to vote so they can get their free stuff after they vote for you.In fact the Founders talked about this in the Federalist and Anti-Federalist Papers. In this article Romney says that Obama won the election because of all the free stuff he promised poor people in exchange for their vote. Panetta orders Pentagon investigation of legal, ethical issues among military leadersIn this article Panetta orders Pentagon investigation of legal, ethical issues among military leaders.Who needs and investigation to figure out that the military is just as corrupt as the rest of our government. The only way to fix this problem is to start firing people and if you can figure out what was not said in the article you will realize that isn't going to happen. They are going to have an investigation, then pretend the problem is fixed, while things continue as usual. Reps. Ron Paul, Barney Frank Ask Obama To Respect Pot Legalization LawsAccording to this article Ron Paul and Barney Frank have asked President Obama not to send in his jackbooted Federal thugs to Colorado and Washington to arrest pot smokers. I don't think they used those exact words thought.And I suspect the Homeland security thugs who read my email and web pages are not happy that I called them "jackbooted Federal thugs". Government schools in Utah demonize gays???According to this article a Utah government school district is being sued over restricting access to lesbian books.California man sues labor unions over election robocallsIn this article from the San Jose Mercury, Robert Arkow who lives in the Los Angeles area is suing the California Labor Federation and the International Brotherhood of Electrical Workers Local 45 for violating the Telephone Consumer Protection Act (TCPA) of 1991 and making junk mail robot calls to cell phones asking people to vote for government pork projects either sponsored by the unions or government pork projects that will benefit the unions members.High School crack down on chicks who dress sexy!!!!In this article Minnetonka High School Principal David Adney in Minnesota High School is attempting to shove his brand of Christian morality on the children by forcing them to dress in a manner the government bureaucrats think conforms to their version of morality.Jesus, don't these government bureaucrats ever have time to educate the children??? And don't these government bureaucrats understand the First Amendment requires them to 1) allow the kids to have free speech, and 2) prevents the government bureaucrats from shoving their religious morals on the kids. Orphan planet without a star???Here is an interesting article about a orphan planet without a star found about 100 light years from earth.Feds to force expense options on car buyers to prevent crashes???According to this article the Federal government is considering forcing consumers to buy a number of expensive options for their cars that will allegedly prevent car accidents.Please tell me just what part of the Constitution lets the Feds tell car manufacturers what they must include with their cars??? If you ask the Supreme Court, it's probably the same imaginary part of the Constitution that allows the Feds to force us to buy Obamacare or be fined. And of course when the government passes silly and unconstitutional laws like what is proposed here it is a perfect example of how the government screws up the economy and destroys jobs. Pot legalization proceeds in key states with Feds mostly silentThe good news is that the begining of the end of the drug war seem to be coming after Colorado and Washington legalize marijuana. Here is an article about that. On interesting question is how much of a fight will the jackbooted thugs that run the Federal government put up to keep marijuana illegal.The Zubia Brothers are back!!!Cool, another article about the Pistoleros!!!!
With pot legal, police worry about road safetyCurrently the politicians set the laws on what the standards are for drunk driving and sadly those standards are more about raising lots of revenue for the government rather then setting a reasonable limit for the amount of liquor that people can drink safely and drive.Sadly I suspect that if we allow the politicians to set the standards for smoking marijuana and driving the standards will also be set ridiculously low to allow the government to arrest people for smoking pot and steal their money, rather then to set standards that people can safely smoke and drive. With the states of Washington and Colorado legalizing marijuana for recreation use less then two weeks ago here is the first article I have seen addressing smoking marijuana and driving. Vietnam and MarijuanaOne of the happiest days of my life was when the stupid and insane war in Vietnam ended.I feel just as happy when they voted to legalize marijuana in Colorado and Washington. Sure the insane and unconstitutional "war on drugs" is still being fought, but I suspect that it is the beginning of the end for the "war on drugs". It probably will be years before marijuana is legal in every state in the union and sadly it could even be decades before that happens, but I suspect it will eventually happen. Washington State stops prosecuting pot smokersAccording to this article the state of Washington is dropping the charges against all people that have been arrested for possession of one ounce or less of marijuana.Is marijuana legal for athletes in colleges??According to this article the NCAA will still punish college athletes that use marijuana, despite the fact that it is legal in Washington state and Colorado.Colorado State stops prosecuting pot smokersAgain according to this article prosecutors in Colorado are not going to prosecute people that have been arrested for one ounce or less of marijuana.Students for Liberty protest ASU smoking banASU is banning smoking on it's campuses on Aug. 1, 2013 and "Students for Liberty" were protesting the smoking ban according to this article.Arizona Parks chief Bryan Martyn convicted in March fightAccording to this article Bryan Martyn who is the chief of the Arizona Parks was convicted of a Class1 misdemeanor in the Florence Municipal Court.Pinal County Supervisor Bryan Martyn convicted in March fightAccording to this article Bryan Martyn who was a member of the Pinal County Board of Supervisors was convicted of a Class1 misdemeanor in the Florence Municipal Court.USO center now open at Sky Harbor Airport’s Terminal 4I suspect this violates the "equal protection" and "gift" clauses of the Arizona Constitution.The government isn't allowed to give special treatment to any group of people under those clauses in the Arizona Constitution. Here is the article about the USO center at Sky Harbor Airport. Arizona licenses first medical-marijuana dispensaryThe Arizona Department of Health Services has licensed the state’s first medical-marijuana dispensary, which is Arizona Organix in Glendale according to this article.City pays $2,500 to man arrested for flipping off officerAccording to this article city of Orem, Utah agreed to pay Seth Dame $2,500. Seth Dame was arrested for flipping a Utah piggy.“Various courts have concluded that using your middle finger to express discontent or frustration is expressive conduct protected by the First Amendment,” McCain says Susan Rice "not so bright"Hey Mr. McCain, so you think Susan Rice is a dummy??? In this letter to the editor Eugene English of Laveen, Arizona asks what about Sarah Palin.Of course there is a big difference here. McCain picked Sarah Palin to help him get the vote of men who vote with their middle leg, not their brains.
So in that sense Sarah Palin had all the Tom Horne legal proceedings to begin Jan. 22More of the old "Do as I say, not as I do" from our royal government masters.According to this article Arizona Attorney General Tom Horne and his employee, Kathleen Winn, are scheduled to defend themselves against allegations of campaign-finance violations starting Jan. 22. In UK, Twitter, Facebook rants land some in jailI guess these jackbooted police thugs in the UK don't have any real criminals to hunt down so they are arresting tweeters who p*ss off royal government rulers.Here is the article. Groups: Pinal County Jail bad for immigrantsAccording to this article Pinal County Jail seems to treat Latinos just as bad as Maricopa County Jail does.Pinal County Jail is run by Sheriff Paul Babeu who seems to want to beat out Sheriff Joe of Maricopa County as being the worst sheriff in the world. Sure its probably real tough being the worst sheriff in the world, but Sheriff Paul Babeu seems to be on the path that may allow him to beat out Sheriff Joe. Just for the record the webmaster thinks both Paul Babeu and Sheriff Joe Arpaio suck. American Unions give their jobs to Mexican workers?According to this article Hostess Brands Inc., which makes Ding Dongs, Wonder Bread and other snacks, filed a motion Friday with U.S. Bankruptcy Court seeking permission to shutter its operations. The move comes after the company said striking workers across the country crippled its ability to maintain production.I suspect the Mexican bakery company Bimbo will get a lot of the business that Hostess used to have. Bimbo is pretty much a Mexican version of Hostess. And here in Arizona many store sell Bimbo products right next to the Hostess products. Ron Paul calls for 'love,' 'free market economics' in final addressHere is Ron Paul's final address.Woman with child drives onto Sky Harbor Airport runwayYou mean the TSA thugs are not making airports safer????What???? You mean those TSA thugs who take away our toe nail clippers and fingernail files are not making us safer????According to this article a woman crashed her car thru a fence at Sky Harbor International Airport in Phoenix and drove on to the runway. Postal Service reports record loss of $15.9 billion for yearThe U.S. Post Office pays unskilled manual labor workers almost as much as engineers get paid. And Federal law makes it illegal for the private sector to compete with the US Post Office unless they either deliver the mail for free or charge 3 times what the U.S. Post Office charges.Despite that unlevel playing field created by the U.S. Congress which give the U.S. Post Office a big advantage over private mail companies according to this article the US Postal Service reported a record loss of $15.9 billion for this year. If you ask me the idiots in Congress, or perhaps "crooks" is Congress is a better word for it should let the U.S. Post Office go out of business. Perjury is a job requirement for police officers???From this article is sure sounds like perjury, or testilying as police officers call it, is a job requirement for being a cop.In the article the Mexicans were clearly stopped illegally by the cops who didn't have the required probably cause. The whole stop was recorded on tape by Univision, a Spanish speaking television network in the USA, but the piggies still deny stopping the "bait" without probably cause. Sadly if you go to court things won't get any better and the police will commit perjury to convict anybody they consider scum, which in this cause is anybody that is a Mexican. Yale football player sues cops over Taser incidentAccording to this article Yale football player Jordan Jefferson is suing the New Haven police for beating him up.Sheriff Joe's goons bust 1,500 pounds of potAccording to this article the Maricopa County Sheriff's Office busted 1500 pounds of marijuana.Pinal County Cop beats up man in Tempe bar??According to this article Pinal County sheriff deputy Richard "Hank" Mueller punching a man in the face at the Firehouse bar which is near University Drive and Mill Avenue.White House lied to us about attacks in Libya???From these articles it sure sounds like President Obama lied to the American public about the attacks in Libya.Personally I could care less if it was a terrorists attack or a riot. My complaint is that our government masters seem to have lied about what happened. UN Secretary Kofi Annan says it's time to legalize drugs???According to this article former UN Secretary Kofi Annan says the drug war is a dismal failure and it's time to take a different approach.Kofi Annan aboga por despenalizar las drogas y critica estrategia de CalderónKofi Annan quiere legalizar drogs? Leer mas aqui.Critican a Patrulla Fronteriza por muerte de jovenMas de la Patrulla Fronteriza por muerte de joven in este articulo.Marijuana farms in Phoenix will soon be illegal???According to this article people with medical marijuana prescriptions or technically recommendations will no longer be allowed to grow marijuana in they live within 25 miles of the new medical marijuana grocery store that will soon open in Glendale.Sadistic LA cops share photos of people they beat upAccording to this article some sadistic cops in the Los Angeles area share photos of people they get their jollies by beating up.Of course when the photos and emails became public the piggies denied that the message Looks like we did a better job, Where's my beer big homiewas about sadistic cops getting their jollies beating up prisoners, but rather had something to do with good police work. Hey doesn't that bring us back to testilying as cops call it when they commit perjury. Lake County Prosecutor sued for helping cops frame man for rapeIn this article a Illinois county prosecutor is being sued for helping the police frame a man for rape.These government terrorists were responsible for keeping these innocent people in prison for a total of 60 years. Each time, prosecutors floated a theory as to how the evidence arrived at the scene incidentally. All four cases collapsed, but only after the original suspects had spent a total of 60 years in jail. More on using math and statistics to win electionsHere is another interesting article on how Obama's gang used math and statistics to help them win the 2012 Presidential election.Now if everybody voted these techniques would not work. But since so few people vote, it is very easy to win elections if you are better at getting your special interest groups to go to the polls and vote. Caffeine coming to Cracker Jacks, critics howlDid you know that back in1914 when the made drugs like herion and cocaine illegal caffeine was one of the drugs they were considering making illegal???Sadly it seems the government control freaks and religious nut jobs want to make anything that makes you feel good illegal. In this article those government control freaks and religious nut jobs are very unhappy that the folks at Cracker Jacks want to add yummy caffeine to their products. Just so I won't be misquoted by the phoney baloney alleged Arizona Libertarian nut jobs who have been slandering me I think ALL drugs should be legal. And I my self am a caffeine addict, but I only am hooked on the low end stuff. I get my daily dose of caffeine by drinking Mountain Dew. Sat - Nov 17 - Merry ChristmasToday is the first time I heard Christmas carols this Christmas season. And it ain't even Turkey Day.I was in Food City which is a Mexican grocery store when I heard my first Christmas carols. Sadly they were in English. If they were in Spanish I wouldn't have minded listening to them. Death toll at 2025 in AfghanistanAccording to this article 2025 Americans have died in the illegal and unconstitutional war in Afghanistan.Of course that doesn't include the 4486 Americans who also died in America's illegal and unconstitutional war in Iraq. Nor does it include the hundreds of thousands and possibly millions of Iraqi and Afghanistan civilians murdered in these two illegal and unconstitutional American wars Arundo donax - Giant reed - Next kudzu vine?Here is an interesting article about the arundo donax reed which is a lot like kudzu.The arundo donax reed can grow up to 30 feet in one season.
Arizona gun shop bans Obama votersSouthwest Shooting Authority in Pinetop, Arizona bans Obama votersI wonder if they also also banning the few dopey gun owners who voted for gun grabber Kyrsten Sinema. She is just as bad and probably worse then gun grabber President Obama.Here is the article about the Southwest Shooting Authority which banned fools that voted for Obama from their shop. Of course as a Libertarian I think Romney sucks just as much as Obama. They are both socialists who want to turn Amerika into a police state. Remember the only party that supports your guns rights 100 percent is the Libertarian Party. And I am saying that even though I was screwed over by the Arizona Libertarian Party. Ironman f*cks up Tempe, Scottsdale againThank God I am no longer sleeping in the Tempe, Scottsdale area. Ironman is here again and as usual it is f*cking up traffic royal in Tempe ans Scottsdale.Is the FBI reading your e-mail? Probably!!!Is the Arizona DPS reading your e-mail? Probably!!!Is the Maricopa County Sheriff reading your e-mail? Probably!!!Are the Tempe, Phoenix, Scottsdale, or Chandler Police reading your e-mail? Probably!!!Here is an interesting article about the Federal governments ability to spy on you. Remember that includes the FBI, Homeland Security, IRS, DEA, ICE, INS, BATF and a whole slew of other Federal police agencies.Also state, county and city police department also routinely spy on our electronic communications. Los Angeles cops have some stun gun fun on handcuffed womanIn this article some of the cops in the LAPD have a little stun gun fun on a handcuffed woman.For the record I don't approve of this government sponsored terrorism, also though I suspect some of the Libertarian hypocrites who have been slandering me will probably say I love it when the pigs terrorize the people they pretend to protect. Counting the days till marijuana is legalHere is an article about how they are counting the days till marijuana becomes legal in Washington state.Pakistan secretly tries to develop armed dronesAccording to this article Pakistan is secretly trying to develop armed drones. But hey, if it's on my web page I guess it isn't a secret anymore.Battle over atheist's nativity display goes to LA courtThe city of Santa Monica, California decided to violated the First Amendment and sponsor Christmas display on government property.Of course atheists didn't like that and demanded equal time and it has ended up in court according to this article. I don't see why on earth the government needs to use allow religious displays on public property. That's something that can be done by the private sector. Even though I am an atheist I don't see any reason for atheists to put up displays of atheist on government property either. That's just plain silly. George Shirakawa racks up lavish expenses on public's dimeSure this is about Santa Clara County in California, but I am sure many of our elected officials throughout the land consider themselves to be royal rulers just like George Shirakawa and use our tax dollars to treat themselves like royal rulers.And if you read this article you will certainly see that George Shirakawa spends our tax dollars on himself like he is a royal government ruler. Mesa p*sses away $250,000 on art to glorify light railAccording to this article the city of Mesa, Arizona is wasting $250,000 of our tax dollars on art, yes, that art work to glorify light rail.Phoney baloney fake conservative Republican Mayor Scott Smith says the "$250,000 is peanuts". You know, Mesa Mayor Scott Smith reminds me of Santa Clara County Supervisor George Shirakawa whom I posted about in the previous article where he spends our tax dollars on himself like he is a royal government ruler. Racist Phoenix messy yard cops target Mexicans???From this article it sounds like the Phoenix Messy Yard Cops are racists who target Mexicans and Latinos???The article says the messy yard cops routinely patrol the west side of Phoenix, which is Maryvale looking for messy yard violations, while in the whiter areas of phoenix the messy yard laws are selectively enforced only when someone complains about a messy yard. Data Doctors: Are my emails private from government agenciesIn this article Ken Colburn from the Data Doctors says that government agencies can and will read your emails. And of course the web master says the cops routinely commit crimes and will illegally read your emails and computer data when the law says they are not allowed to.The bottom line is that if you want to keep your data away from the spying eyes of the government don't put it on a computer that is connected to the internet. War on drugs has adverse effectsIn this letter to the editor Kirk Muse of Mesa points out that the cops would rather hunt down "drug war" criminals instead of rapists and murders because they get to steal the money from any "drug war" criminals they arrest.It's not about public safety or getting dangerous criminals off the street, it's about raising money for the police department. Cops from LEAP explain why the "drug war" is a failureIn the previous blurb I posted a letter from Kirk Muse of Mesa who mentioned a video you should see to explain why the "war on drugs" is a dismal failure.Here is the transcript from that video. Are Federal government employees overpaid???In this article they ask the question "Are Federal government employees overpaid" and of course the answer they come to is an overwhelming YES.They also address the issue that surveys done by the Federal government routinely say that Federal employees are underpaid by 35 percent compared to the private sector and find that those surveys are probably biased in that Federal employees have a vested interest to say they are underpaid so they can ask for more money. Background checks prone to mistakesAccording to this article background check on people routinely contain errors and false information. This article is about Universal Background Screening and Darlene T. Martinez who is suing them. She lost a job offer because Universal Background Screening said she had a felony records when she had no criminal record at all.Judge sides with atheists in Nativity-scene caseIt's not about forcing atheism on people, it's about forbidding the government from mixing government and religion and forbidding the government from supporting one religion over another religion.Read more about this case involving atheists and Christians in Santa Monica in this article. Pakistan dismisses blasphemy case against Christian girlAccording to this article a Pakistani court dismissed on Tuesday a blasphemy case against a Christian girl which had drawn international condemnation and concern about the rights of religious minorities in the predominantly Muslim country.Did Glen Rogers murder Nicole Brown SimpsonDid Glen Rogers help OJ Simpson murder Nicole???When it comes to the OJ murder I don't have the answers, just lots of questions.Personally I think there is a good chance that OJ committed the murder. Irregardless of weather OJ is guilty or innocent I also think the LAPD attempted to frame OJ for the murder of Nicole Simpson. And last but not least I think OJ got railroaded in Nevada, because the prosecutors, cops and jury thought he was guilty of murdering Nicole and got away with the crime. But this article brings a new twist to the case. Did Glen Rogers murder Nicole Brown Simpson on his own?? Did Glen Rogers help OJ murder Nicole Brown Simpson?? I don't know, I don't have the answer, just lots of questions. Brewer’s order to end migrant driver licenses ‘contradictory’Arizona Governor Jan Brewer seems to have a chip on her shoulder and hate just about everybody except government bureaucrats like herself.This article is about how Arizona Governor Jan Brewer is refusing to issue migrant driver's licenses. I suspect the real reason is Jan Brewer is a racist who hates Mexicans. Of course I don't know for sure, but it sure seems like that. Jan Brewer also seems to hate medical marijuana users as anyone who reads the numerous articles I have posted on Jan Brewers attempt to flush Arizona's medical marijuana laws down the toilet. Lack of labor hits harvest, farmers sayFrom this article it seems like America's war on Mexicans is hurting us in the pocketbook. And of course that includes Arizona's racist SB 1070 "No Mexicans" law. Farmers are losing money because they can't get their crops harvested and consumers are paying more because of product shortages.Mesa Mayor Scott Smith wants more bars, saloons and night clubs in downtown MesaAccording to this article the Mesa city council is trying to lure more bars, saloons and nightclubs into opening in downtown Mesa.Look I don't have anything against bars and I certainly would rather pop open a beer instead of going to church in downtown Mesa, but I think it is a huge waste of tax dollars for our government to be spending our money to lure bars and night clubs to the downtown area. Don't these royal government rulers have anything thing else to waste our hard earned tax dollars on???? San Francisco bans public nudityFrom this article It sure sounds like San Francisco is mixing government and religion here and forcing Christian Puritan values on us.Don't these government nannies have any REAL problems to solve???? Phoenix residents can grow marijuana till DecemberWell, that's only Phoenix residents who are medical marijuana card holders. Arizona's first medical marijuana grocery store isn't set to open till December, which means that Arizona medical marijuana users who are within a 25 mile radius of the Glendale marijuana store will be able to continue growing your marijuana until December according to this article.Of course that is assuming that one of Obama's jackbooted DEA thugs doesn't raid your herb garden, because Uncle Sam claims marijuana is illegal under Federal law. Of course a lot of civil rights activists will dispute that and say that all the Federal laws making drugs illegal are unconstitutional per the 10th Amendment. Of course my legal advice won't get you out of jail if Uncle Sam's DEA goons come knocking at your door and raid your marijuana farm. Chandler police crack down on seatbelt useIn this article it sounds like we have a jobs program for under worked and overpaid cops.And it's a lot safer having the cops shake these people down for the victimless crime of not wearing a seat belt then it is to have the cops hunt down dangerous real criminals like robbers and rapists. Another terrorist crime plot created by the FBI???From this article it sounds like this terrorist crime plot busted up by FBI agents might have been created by the same FBI agents that busted it up so the FBI could claim they were heroes protecting American from terrorist criminals.Of course the FBI isn't telling the American public that the terrorist criminals they are protecting us from are imaginary terrorist criminals invented by the FBI. The White House routinely lies to us for political reasons??? Probably!!!!In this article we find out the White House lied to us about the attacks in Libya. It sure sounds like the American government routinely lies to us for political reasons.Pastors group defies IRS ban on politicsPersonally I think any laws that forbid religious groups from getting involved in politics are unconstitutional per the 1st Amendment.But the reason I am posting this article is because our government masters at the IRS seem to be hypocrites and don't enforce these laws which forbid tax-exempt entities from supporting political candidates. Senate bill rewrite lets feds read your e-mail without warrantsI suspect the police routinely illegally read our emails and only get a "search warrant" when they discover something illegal, so they can pretend that the email was read after the "search warrant" was obtained.But if the bill in this article becomes law the police will no longer even have to "pretend" to have "probable cause" to read your emails. OK, you are right, this law pretty much flushes the Fourth Amendment down the toilet. And I suspect that is the reason the Founders gave us the Second Amendment, to allow the people to stop government tyrants from flushing the Bill of Rights down the toilet. Ron Paul comments on secession issueIn this article outgoing Republican U.S. representative Ron Paul has waded into the secession debate, saying that states have the right to leave the Union, and that the Civil War may not have been “right.”Sheriff Joe Arpaio wins by a lousy .7 percentWhile Sheriff Joe is probably the most hated politician in Arizona he is also very good at getting the special interest groups out that support him so he can get reelected.But Sheriff Joe seems to be losing his charm. In this election he only won by a lousy .7%. Here is the article which was written by Laurie Roberts. Arizona's first medical marijuana grocery store to openAccording to this article Arizona Organix will soon be the first medical marijuana dispensary to open in Arizona.For those of you who are licensed pot smokers the store is located at 5301 West Glendale Avenue in Glendale, Arizona. Sadly this means the you folks who are allowed to grow your own marijuana and live within 25 miles of the store will not longer be allowed to grow your pot at home. Cool T-shirts from Mary Jane Smoke WearCheck out these cool t-shirts the folks at Mary Jane Smoke Wear sell. |
Tyranny Response Team T-ShirtsIf you are not a pot smoker, but you are sick of government tyrants maybe you should check out some of these Tyranny Response Team t-shirts from the folks at Zazzle. |
Religious nut jobs love to use government to force their beliefs on othersThis article is about how religious groups all over the country are attempting to use the courts to force their religious beliefs on the rest of us.Even Robert Robb thinks Ironman sucks!!!!The Ironman Marathon is held every year at the Tempe Town Toilet which our royal government rulers call the Tempe Town Lake.The Ironman Marathon screws traffic up royal and makes it almost impossible to drive in South Scottsdale or North Tempe because all the roads in South Scottsdale and North Tempe are blocked off. That usually includes Hayden and McClintock Roads, Rural and Scottsdale Roads, Pima and Price Roads and 68th Street and College Roads. About the only road which you can travel north and south between Tempe and Scottsdale is Galvin Parkway which turns to Priest Drive in Tempe, but that is mostly desert and industrial stuff.
Source 1958 Edsel Corsair. The legendary automotive flopI have heard about the legendary Edsel car flop many times, but I have never seen a photo of one of then. I always thought they would look like a Mercedes, but obviously I am wrong. If you ask me the Edsel Corsair looks a lot like a 57 Chevy. |
Who needs criminals when you have these cops???According to this article two Markham, Illinois police officers – one of them the son of the town’s mayor – have been charged in state court with stealing thousands of dollars from a south suburban business while on duty and investigating a burglary.Wed 11/21 - First American Christmas CarolsToday in Wal-Mart was the first day I heard Christmas music in an American store. Oddly the song I heard was in Spanish and it was Feliz Navidad, which is Merry Christmas in Spanish. Perhaps a better translation would be Happy Christmas.Last Sat - Nov 17 was the first time this year I heard Christmas music this season, but that was in Food City, which is a grocery chain that caters to Latinos in Arizona. Dope the children up to prevent them from misbehaving????According to this article if you dope up the kiddies they behave much better and are much less likely to commit crimes.Well duh, that's pretty obvious. You give anybody enough dope to get them good and stoned and they will be too zonked to commit any crime. However I think that is a pretty lame excuse for teachers in schools or the government to use as a method to prevent people from committing crimes. MSNBC isn't the Democrat National TV network???According to this article MSNBC President Phil Griffin claims that they are not the Democratic National TV network and that their news coverage is not biased towards the Democrats.Yea, and I bet somewhere you could get somebody to claim that the the Pope isn't Catholic and doesn't believe in Jesus. For the record I am a Libertarian and think that both Romney and Obama are crooks and tyrants so obviously I am biased against both the Democrats and Republicans. But on the other hand just by reading these web pages you probably figured that out all by yourself. The FBI will pay you $250,000 to frame a terrorist?From this article it sounds like there is a good chance that the FBI and Homeland Security folks will pay you big bucks to help them frame a terrorist and make the Feds look like heroes!!!!H. L. Mencken gives us the reason they do this with his famous quote: "The whole aim of practical politics is to keep the populace alarmed (and hence clamorous to be led to safety) by menacing it with an endless series of hobgoblins, all of them imaginary."and of course if the FBI can convince people to think their is a terrorist under everybody's bed that will do the trick. More on the "dumb *ss unions" that shut Hostess downI wonder if some union guy will come by and break my kneecaps for posting this article that is critical of unions.Look I don't have a problem with people that unionize to make their jobs better. I do have a problem that union workers that use violence and commit crimes in an attempt to extort their employers into paying them more money. And sadly that is how unions usually operate. I bet that most of the Homeland Security guys, even the local Phoenix area cops that read these web pages are union workers who don't find anything wrong with using violence or committing crimes to force the taxpayers more to pay you guys more money. OK, I guess it certainly isn't about protecting us from bad guys, but maximizing the amount of money that goes into your wallets. Arizona government welfare program for Union Pacific Railroad???In this article it sure sounds like our royal government rulers are thinking about creating a huge Arizona government welfare program for Union Pacific Railroad.This article is a great example of how special interest groups, like the Union Pacific Railroad use lobbyists to help them get the politicians to steal millions of dollars from the taxpayers and give it to the special interest groups that pay them big bucks to help them rob the taxpayers. Hate crimes laws are politically correct BS???In this article the Phoenix Police brag that they are pioneers in arresting people for hate crimes.If you ask me a "crime" should be a crime irregardless of who it was committed against. I think it is wrong for the government to give people extra punishment or less punishment because of they committed a crime against some "protected" or "unprotected" group of people. I also suspect laws like this which give special treatment to some people will always end up being abused. For example while I suspect the purpose of the law is to "protect" gay people who are beaten up, a cop or prosecutor who hates gay folks could use the law to give extra harsh treatment to one gay person who gets into a fight with another gay person, and give the government a lame excuse to railroad gay people. And of course a racist cop or prosecutor who hates Blacks could use the law to give extra harsh treatment to one Black person who gets into a fight with another Black person, and giving racist government bureaucrats a lame excuse to railroad Blacks. Sadly I suspect that is how this law will end up being used. Consumer protection laws don't protect us from anythingThe title to this article is an oxymoron. The title says:Black Friday shoppers: Laws protect you from overpayingBut in reality these silly laws don't protect us from anything, and just drive up prices by forcing retailers to jump thru hoops. And of course the silly laws also provide jobs for a whole slew of unneeded government bureaucrats which also indirectly drives up prices. Pakistan to suspend cell phone service to protect us from terroristsI wonder when this form of censorship or government suppression of free speech will come to the USA and our government masters start suspending cell phone service to protect us from terrorists and drug dealers.In this article the Pakistan government is suspending cell phone service saying it will protect the people of Pakistan from from terrorists and criminals. If you love the police state shout: Heil Bush Many naive adults believe that a "government" Santa Claus exists???The good news is that most people stop believing in the mythical Santa Claus dude when they are small children.The sad news is that according to this a article it seems like a huge number of otherwise perfectly sensible adults believe that a magical government Santa Claus exists that will give them free stuff that other people pay for. What's the difference between a sweet potato and a yam??Well if you don't already know read these article to figure out the difference between a sweet potato and a yam.
Politicians want to lie about raising taxes???From this article it sounds like the crooked politicians in Washington D.C. want to raise our taxes and at the same time lie and say taxes were not raised.Silly Freon LawsThis article is about how people routinely violated the laws on using freon and discharging freon into the atmosphere.Many experts claim the laws cited in this article are based on junk science and really a government welfare program to prevent people from using R-12 and R-22 and force them to use newer products invented by DuPont that are deigned to replace R-12 and R-22. R-12 and R-22 were patented by DuPont, but the patents have expired. And guess what Dupont has patented a number of products that are designed to replace R-12 and R-22. Anytime these crooks smell money, they think it is theirs!!!!According to this article the Arizona Court of Appeals says the Legislature acted within its authority in 2009 when it stole nearly $4.7 million from a special fund for injured workers in order to help keep the state in the black during a budget crisis.Thanksgiving with a cop???You're not allowed to say bad things about piggies???On Thanksgiving I went to a house with a friend and there was a cop there. He was related to the people having the celebration.I didn't know a pig was there, and I was talking to one of the people there telling them how I suspect the the LAPD framed OJ Simpson, and that I thought that Mark Fuhrman planted the blood to frame OJ. The people there didn't tell me I was not allowed to say bad things about crooked cops, but they did tell me that a cop was there like I wasn't supposed to say negative things about cops. I certainly hope that David Dorn doesn't start telling people that I hang out with pigs simple because I went to a Turkey Day party where a pig was also at. On the other hand I doubt that the truth matters to that jerk. LAPD Capt. Bernice Abram helping dope dealersAccording to this article LAPD Capt. Bernice Abram is helping dope dealers.Personally I could care less if the cops are helping dope dealers, because I think that the insane and unconstitutional "war on drugs" is also morally wrong. On the other hand the article does show that the "war on drugs" corrupts cops and that the "war on drugs" is impossible to win. Nogales officer gets jail for underage sexAccording to this article Nogales Police Officer Victor Jesus Valenzuela will be spending 2 months in prison for having sex with a teenage girl.Again since this sex act was not rape but consensual sex, I consider it a waste of tax dollars arresting the guy and spending our hard earned tax dollars to put him in prison for 2 months. Jesus, don't these piggies have any REAL criminals to hunt down??? Obama using the UN to implement gun controls on Americans???According to this editorial by Susan Stamper Brown, Emperor Obama is using a UN Treaty to implement his gun controls on American citizens.Libertarians are to blame for Kyrsten Sinema???In this letter to the editor Gerard Smorowski of Gilbert, Arizona blames the Libertarians for electing police state socialist Kyrsten Sinema to Congress.Chandler Tumbleweed Christmas TreeAccording to this article the city of Chandler, Arizona is mixing government and religion by having a government sponsored and paid for Christmas tree made out of tumbleweeds.Scottsdale defends trigger happy cops in police shootingsIn this article the city of Scottsdale is going to spend almost $400,000 to defend two trigger happy cops who have murdered 6 people and shot 2 other people.Which gives new meaning to the police motto or "Protect and Serve", which should be "Murder and Main". Sheriff Terry Johnson - North Carolina's clone of Sheriff Joe???I suspect racist cops like Sheriff Joe Arpaio of Maricopa County are rather common.In this article Sheriff Terry Johnson of Alamance County, North Carolina seems to be like a clone of Sheriff Joe who is terrorizing Mexicans and Blacks on the East Coast instead of the Arizona deserts. Chicago erecting electronic eyesores to raise revenue??In this article the city of Chicago is erecting electronic eyesores to raise revenue.Aren't these the same government bureaucrats who are fining private citizens for having messy yards that are eyesores??? I guess it's just more of the old "Do as I say, not as I do" coming from the mouths of our royal government rulers. Government schools or public schools consistently mediocre???Illinois is one of those socialist states where the government bureaucrats say they can do anything better then the private sector.One thing that those government bureaucracies do better then the private sectors is pay the government bureaucrats much more then the private sector. But as this article points out pay is the only thing government bureaucracies are better at doing then the private sector. The article points out that "government schools" or "public schools" as the government bureaucrats like to call them are consistently mediocre??? NY Times pushes for more gun controlsIn this editorial the gun grabber in the New York Times are pushing for more gun controls.Bikers sue cops for civil rights violationsIn this article the Sons of Hell biker club are suing the police in Northern Arizona for civil rights violations.Suit challenges prosecutions under Arizona smuggling lawHow can you "conspire with yourself " to commit a crime???"Arizona law allows people to be convicted of conspiracy, even when they can’t be convicted of the crime itself." Now that's insane!!! This article points out what I think are unethical and illegal tactics the police are using to shake down Mexicans who are suspected of sneaking into the USA. I believe the cops use the "conspiracy" charge because it has a harsher sentence and is easier to get a conviction. Cursive writing - A jobs program for teachers???I suspect the debate about if schools should teach children how to write cursively is more a debate about should the government create a jobs program for teachers to teach kids to write cursively, then asking the question do the kids really need to learn how to write cursively.Read more about it in this article. Monster fish in SRP canals cost $13 eachThose monster fish that you often see in SRP canals cost $13 each according to this article.There is also a $75 fine for removing them from the canals, I suspect without a fishing license. What part of "separation of church and state" doesn't Leon Ceniceros understand???In this letter to the editor Leon Ceniceros seems to think that just because American is 75 percent Christian that those Christians have the right to force their Christian religion on the rest of us at gunpoint using the force of government.Lot's of government pork comes with solar powerIn this article about solar power in California we find out that there is lots of government pork that comes with the solar power.Oddly in this article the counties are angry about it because the pork is mandated by the state of California and cutting into the county budgets. Woman photographed riding a manatee in Florida is arrestedJesus, don't these pigs have any real criminals to hunt down??? According to this article Ana Gloria Garcia Gutierrez was arrested by the cops in Florida for riding on a manatee.On the other hand if you think every out of work cops deserves a high paying job arresting people for victimless crimes, maybe you think this is a great idea. I don't!!! Obama wanted to set the rules for Romney's drone murders???According to this article it sounds like Emperor Obama wanted to set the rules for any drone strikes that President Romney would have made if he had been elected.Man politics and government sure sucks the big one. Map of the Central Arizona Project CanalHere is a map of the Central Arizona Project Canal or the CAP Canal as it is called.
Schools flush 4th Amendment down the toilet with drug dog searchesFrom this article it sure sounds like the Tolleson Union High School District is illegally using drug dogs to search their students violating their Fourth Amendment Constitutional rights against illegal searches that are not based on probable cause.You expect a fair trail??? Don't make me laugh!!!!From this article it sounds like Deputy County Attorney Frankie Grimsman did everything she possible could to deny Jeffrey Martinson a fair trial.I doubt that Jeffrey Martinson was singled out for unfair treatment by the government. I suspect our royal government masters give everybody they suspect to be a criminal the same shabby, illegal treatment as Jeffrey Martinson received. So remember if you are accidentally were arrested for a crime of which you are innocent of you probably won't get a fair trail. The government will first try to bankrupt you by the trial, because most people can't afford to defend themselves against the government. And after they bankrupt you the next thing they will do is attempt to send you to prison for as long as possible. Racist cops shake down anybody with brown skinIn this article racist cops use SB 1070 to shake down Jim Shee who is a Paradise Valley real-estate investor of Chinese and Spanish descent.Jim Shee is suing the state of Arizona for false arrest and civil rights violations out of the incidents. Cops know what you Googled for!!!!When you use the internet you almost always leave a trail of what you did, such as all of your Google searches. And of course most of the times the cops if they put in a little work can dig up that information and show that you did it as they did in this murder case.I never have approved of people committing real crimes that hurt real people. Although I suspect that most of the cops that read my email and read these web pages will try to twist my words around and claim I do. But sadly in the American police state, most of the people arrested are not arrested for real crimes that hurt people, but rather for victimless drug war crimes that hurt no one. One statistic I have is that 66 percent of the people in American prisons are their for victimless drug war crimes that didn't hurt anyone. Military's dogs suffer post-traumatic stress disorderIn this article we find out that military dogs also get PTSD.Of course what do you think happens when a dog is around other people and dogs that are being killed and blown to bits every day. I suspect just like humans the dogs also get freaked out. Supreme Court blocks Illinois law prohibiting taping of policeOur government masters love to tell us they are "public servants" and work for us.But when they pass laws like the law in this article that make it illegal to video tape the police it is pretty obvious that our government masters think they are royal rulers and not "public servants" and routinely pass laws to protect themselves from the people they pretend to serve. The police will illegally search your cellphone without a warrant????If you are arrested or even stopped by the police there is a good chance the police will illegally search your phone, computer and other electronic devices with out a search warrant according to this article.Sadly according to the article many courts are allowing these illegal searches to hold up in court. I guess there isn't much we can do to stop police criminals from committing crimes so the best advice I can offer you is to say if you don't want a police criminal reading your thoughts, don't put them on a computer or sell phone that the cops could steal and look at. Wow 3D printers can be bought for under $2,000!!!According to this article 3-D printers can now be purchased for $1,000 to $2,000.The first ones I ever saw cost around $250,000. Teens get lap dances at party for boy, 16, cops sayWow, the cops have enought spare time on their hand to hunt down some dancers who gave lap dances at a teenage party according to this article!!!!Jesus, don't these piggies have any real criminals to hunt down??? ASU & SCC to offer free online classesArizona State University & Scottsdale Community College to offer free online classesAccording to this article ASU and SCC are going to offer free online college classes.Stopping suspicious people is illegal!!!In this letter to the editor Ray White doesn't seem to understand that it is illegal for the police to stop people simply because they look suspicious.The police must have "probable cause" or "reasonable suspicion" that a person committed a crime before the police are allowed to stop a person. And if you are illegally stopped by the police without "probable cause" or "reasonable suspicion" you can sue them in Federal Court for false arrest and for violating U.S.C. 42 §1983. Overpaid government bureaucrats!!!!!In this article they list 10 insanely overpaid public or government employees6 more years of "drug wars" in MexicoAccording to this article Felipe Calderon's "war on drugs" murdered 60,000 Mexicans!!!!Sadly new President Enrique Peña Nieto promises to continue this insane "war on drugs" which is mostly paid for by the USA ($2 billion to date or $20 for each of Mexico's 100 million people). Medical marijuana in Chicago???According to this article Rep. Lou Lang plans to sponsor a medical marijuana bill in the Illinois legislator.NYPD uses lost cell phones as an excuse to spy on peopleLose your cell phone in New York City? Don't tell the cops about it, because if you do the New York Police Department will use that as an excuse to spy on you and monitor your phone calls according to this article.Drunk drug counselor kills man in hit and run accident!In this article we have more of the old "do as I say, not as I do" from our government masters.In the article Sherri Wilkins a drug and alcohol counseling in Los Angeles allegedly was drunk and involved in a hit and run accident that killed a man. Glendale to give Phoenix Coyotes $320 million in corporate welfare???You know multi-million dollar owners of sports teams often have a hard time buying the latest model Mercedes and keeping their wine cellars stocked, so the royal rulers of the city of Glandale, Arizona decide to help out down and out Greg Jamison with $320 million in corporate welfare according to this article.I suspect as a citizen of Glendale, Arizona you would rather have your tax dollars go to the Phoenix Coyotes and Greg Jamison to help them keep up their rich yuppie life styles then do silly things with your hard earned money like feed your baby. Thank God in America the rich owners of professional sports teams that always lose money can always count on the government to steal money from the little people and give it to them as corporate welfare so they can live the lifestyle of a rich and famous person. Former JP Lester Pearce censured, fined in campaign caseMore of the old "Do as I say, not as I do" from our government masters.In this article Lester Pearce, who is the brother of nut job Sen. Russell Pearce, was formally censured for his role in campaigning for his brother and fined $1,500. Buckeye cops sued for beating up Wal-Mart customerAccording to this article the Buckeye, Arizona police are being sued for false arrest and beating up a Wal-Mart customer.Looks like 1984 finally got here, even it if is 28 years lateIn this article 15 year old Andrea Hernandez is suing a San Antonio school district over a tracking microchip embedded in her student ID card, which is supposed to track her movements in high school.The school claims that if it tracks the locations of students with the microchips it can get more money from the state of Texas. The rest of us think it is a gross abuse of government which has turned Amerika into a police state where big brother constantly spies on us. Lawsuit targets ‘locator’ chips in student IDsIn this article 15 year old Andrea Hernandez is suing a San Antonio school district over a tracking microchip embedded in her student ID card, which is supposed to track her movements in high school.The school claims that if it tracks the locations of students with the microchips it can get more money from the state of Texas. The rest of us think it is a gross abuse of government which has turned Amerika into a police state where big brother constantly spies on us. What is the War on Christmas?In this article Colton Gavin seems to think that because Christians are a majority in the USA they can use the government to force their Christmas religious celebrations on the rest of us!Sorry Colton Gavin, that's why we have the First Amendment at the national level, and why most state constitutions also forbid mixing religion and government. Their isn't anything wrong with you spending your money to celebrate Christmas, but when you get the government to spend tax dollars to celebrate the Christian holidays you are mixing government and religion and that's wrong. More questions raised on Chicago speed camerasFor some reason when ever we talk about photo radar bandits it always seems like MONEY is the main issue, not safety.
In this
about Chicago photo radar bandits we seem to have
the same fixation on the MONEY.
Lawsuit expected on immigrant driver’s licensesLooks like Arizona Governor Jan Brewer is going to get sued again because of her hate towards Mexicans according to this article.Fountain Hills pastor accused of selling drugsOur religious leaders are also hypocrites like our government masters who are always telling us "Do as I say, not as I do".In this article a Fountain Hills pastor was arrested for selling drugs. Scottsdale Police Officer has sex on the job 50 timesYou know it must be great having a job where you are paid with our tax dollars to have sex with your girl friend as work.According to this article Scottsdale Police Officer Trevor Anderson was paid with out tax dollars to have sex while working at least 50 times with his girl friend. The only good news is that at least while he was being paid with our tax dollars to have sex with his girl friend he wasn't arresting anybody for victimless drug war crimes. Feds steal man's helicopter for trivial crimeAccording to this article the Federal government is stealing the $250,000 helicopter of Bill Stokely for the trivial crime of covering the letter "Q" in the serial number with tape turning it into the letter "O".Bill Stokely says it was a trivial mistake. He was cleaning the helicopter and covered the entire serial number with tape to protect it. When he was finished he forgot to remove the tiny bit of tape that cover the "Q". Jesus, don't these pigs have any real criminals to hunt down? I guess not, they would rather shake down Bill Stokely because he has a $250,000 helicopter they can steal. Cook County fails to curb overtime costsUsually when your read article like this about government workers that are being paid huge amounts of over time it is the cops that are raking in the big overtime bucks.I was surprised because in this article the hospital workers beat out the cops as the number one collectors of overtime. Ford Fiesta - A decent car!!!Here is an interesting article about the Ford Fiesta.Now don't get up and leave, the Ford Fiesta is not made in Detroit, it's made in Japan, so you are not going to get a piece of junk made in Detroit. I had one. It was a real good car and got real good mileage. Woman arrested for having sex with a skeleton!!!!According to this article a Swedish woman could receive two years in prison for having sex with a skeleton!!!Jesus, don't these cops have any real criminals to hunt down???? Mom charged over teen’s nude Facebook photoI suspect these cops don't have any real criminals to hunt down? OK, they probably do, but it's a lot safer hunting down a mom who posted a nude photo of her daughter on Facebook then hunting down real criminals like bank robbers and rapists.Read more about these dopy Indiana cops who are wasting our tax dollars investigating silly, victimless crimes like this in this article. No grocery store for Downtown PhoenixThe royal rulers of Phoenix don't get it!!!! As long as downtown Phoenix sucks people are not going to move there.As long as there are no people in downtown Phoenix businesses that need people, like grocery stores are now going to open up. Some how the royal rulers of Phoenix have not figured out that and that that a grocery store will magically locate to downtown Phoenix. Read more about it here. Crooked hotels publish wrong rates???According to this article crooked hotels routinely quote people false and misleading hotel rates in and effort to get customers.We don't need a new Federal government nanny agency to stop this, we simply need existing local government agencies to enforce existing laws against false advertizing and fraud. Who was taller - Napoleon Bonaparte or Adolf Hitler?So Clay finally starts answering adult questions in his articles.And of course the answer is Adolf Hitler! If he was only 5' 9" tall, that means short people can be government tyrants?? If I ever decide I want to be a royal government tyrant I will remember that short people are allowed to be tyrants. But for now I will pass on the opportunity of being a government tyrant. U.N. vote recognizes state of Palestine; U.S. objectsWhile the USA preaches freedom and democracy we routinely support government tyrants. And in this case the American government is supporting the genocide that our good buddy Israel has been committing against the people of Palestine since Israel was created.And for David Dorn and Mike Renzulli just because I am posting an article about the UN doesn't mean I support them. The UN is just as bad or worse then any other government in the world. Westwood High School humiliates students in publicFrom this article is sure sounds like the government schools in Mesa, Arizona have much more important things to do then educated the children.The government bureaucrats that run Westwood High Schools forced two male students to hold hand in public for to punish them for fighting. Didn't the Puritans do the same stuff when they locked people up in stocks for punishment? I wonder will the principle of Westwood High School be ordering the shop teacher to have his students make some wooden stocks so that more students can be publicly humiliated for their crimes at Westwood High??? |
Bill Richardson is a big fan of police terrorist Sheriff Joe???From this article it sure sounds like Bill Richardson is a big fan of police terrorist Sheriff Joe.Just because Sheriff Joe is the most popular politician in Arizona doesn't mean he is a good guy. Sheriff Joe oddly is probably also the most hated politician in Arizona based on his racist treatment of Mexicans. The key think about Sheriff Joe is that he is good at rallying the special interest groups that support him to get himself reelected. That doesn't make Sheriff Joe good or bad, it just shows that he knows how the system works and knows how to use it to his advantage. On the other hand if you look at how Sheriff Joe runs his office he is probably one of the worst politicians in America, in addition to being a criminal for the crimes he commits against the citizens of Maricopa County. How many murdered in Felipe Calderon's US financed war on drugs???When it comes to the number of people murdered in Felipe Calderon's US financed war on drugs a low ball figure says 30,000 people have been murdered. Higher figures say as many as 60,000 murders.This article says that 100,000 people are missing and I guess that could mean 100,000 people have been murdered in Felipe Calderon's US financed war on drugs Lunch at La CanastaI went to the La Canasta around 25th Ave and Van Buren.In my humble opinion they have the best Mexican salsa in the world. I used to go to the one on Dunlap & 19th Ave a lot. They told me that that location went out of business. Rules for Targeted KillingThis article sounds like a bunch of mafia dons talking about how to improve their image by making their hits more politically correct. But the article isn't about mafia dons, it's about the President of the United States trying to make the murders he commits with drones look politically correct.Mesa's latest towing contract is illegal???When we break the law we will be severally punished by our government masters. When our government masters break the law? Well nothing usually happens. And of course here is the Mesa towing contract, which according to this article is probably illegal!Mesa Police paid big bucks to arrest people for victimless crimesIn this article they talk about how the Mesa Police Officers are paid big bucks to arrest harmless people for victimless crimes like "spitting on the sidewalk" or "walking along the railroad tracks".The article says many of the people are mentally ill. If you ask me the police should not be involved in arresting people for victimless crimes such as these. But of course if the cops were ordered to stop arresting harmless people for victimless crimes, they would probably be very angry and complain loudly that they are not force to hunt down dangerous criminals who might fight back!!!! Mexican President Felipe Calderon now teaches at Harvard University!!!Angry with former Mexican President Felipe Calderon for his insane American financed "war on drugs" which has caused 50,000+ Mexicans to be murdered?According to these articles Mexican President Felipe Calderon will soon be teaching at Harvard University in Cambridge, Massachusetts. Felipe Calderón irá a Harvard en 2013¿Quieres hablar con Felipe Calderón sobre su locura "guerra contra las drogas"? Felipe Calderón se encuentra en la Universidad de Harvard en Cambridge, Massachusetts después de este sábado cuando se sale de México.Aquí están algunos artículos sobre él. Clerical workers that make $165,000 go on strike???According to this article these clerical workers make on the average $165,000 and they are going on strike!!! That's despite being offered a deal that would give them $195,000 with almost 3 months paid vacation (11 weeks).Drones change ‘Top Gun’ culture of Air ForceModern guns which allowed a small 95 pound woman to defend herself against a 250 bully have really changed things and give small people the power to defend themselves against big bullies.From this article it sounds like the same thing is happening in the world of military drones. Now a small 95 half blind nerd can fly a drone that in theory could destroy a battleship with remotely launched missile. Or attack the capital of a superpower like the the Kremlin and kill a tyrant like Hitler. Drones are called RPAs or Remotely Piloted AircraftIn the same article as above they tell us that the military folks are calling drones by a new politically correct name of RPA or "Remotely Piloted Aircraft".Drones will become the weapon of freedom fightersThe previous article didn't address any of this but I suspect that drones will become the tool of freedom fighters thru out the world once the technology of building them is available to the man on the street. And I don't think that is too far off.Here is a little blurb I wrote about that called the drone genie is out of the bottle. Just so the Homeland Security cops who routinely read my web pages and emails won't arrest me and toss me in prison I am not suggesting that anyone make or even think about making drones to commit criminal acts with. I am just saying that the drone genie is out of the bottle and the man on the street how has the capability to make low cost weapon systems that previously were only available to governments at costs in the millions or tens of millions of dollars. I also suspect that low cost drones will be used by government terrorists too. I truely believe that in the future American police will be using drones to attack and kill people in suspect drug houses. And of course they will use the same krappy logic that they use to murder innocent civilians in Iraq and Afghanistan without a trial to justify murdering suspect drug dealers in America. A slush fund for the Tempe City Council members???In this article the members of the Tempe City Council seem to want a slush fund so they can go to expensive bars and restaurants and have the taxpayers of Tempe pay for their booze and food while they hob nob with rich and famous people on the taxpayers money.Jack Lowell's got a peace sign in his front yardAccording to this article Jack Lowell has a cool peace sign in his front yard.I suspect it is driving the Tempe messy yard cops nuts. Tempe City Council debates using $37,500 for civic membershipsIn this article the members of the Tempe City Council seem to want a slush fund so they can go to expensive bars and restaurants and have the taxpayers of Tempe pay for their booze and food while they hob nob with rich and famous people on the taxpayers money.Social Security - How to get your lootSure everybody knows that Social Security is a Ponzi scheme that the government uses to tax the krap out of you while at the same time lulling you into believing that your government masters are putting the money they steal from you into a banking account that you can cash out when you retire.Even if Social Security is a Ponzi scheme designed to screw you, you can get a few cents out of every dollar the government stole from you back. Here is a series of articles by the Arizona Republic on how to do that. My WillOK, in case I get run over by a truck, or killed by government goons here is a copy of my will.Spanish Ordinal NumbersOne, two three, uno, dos, tres. First, second, third, primero, segundo, and tercero. OK here are the Spanish Ordinal Numbers.The Spanish AlphabetOK, here is the Spanish alphabet.B is referred to as be grande ("big B") and the V as ve chica ("little V"). U is sometimes topped with a dieresis or umlaut, as in vergüenza. "RR" (erre doble) was once considered as a separate letter. "CH" was also considered a separate letter. Spanish Language Newspapers & Magazines in PhoenixThis url lists a bunch of Spanish language newspapers and magazines in the Phoenix metro area.Map of the Phoenix Canal SystemFor your viewing pleasure right here we have a map of the Phoenix canal systemCops try to murder homeless people???Man I got screwed up this morning. I got stuck by a 2 inch cactus needle in my leg.Babes from the Los Angeles TimesHere are some hot babes from the LA Times. Don't worry they all have their clothes on and are legally allowed on these tripod web pages.Libertarian Party Platform April 5, 2011This is the Libertarian Parties Platform which I copied on April 5, 2011 from this site on my reading listHere are some books on my reading list.They are mostly computer geek books, or books that document the history of evil government deeds. A Table of Contents for Homeless in ArizonaA toc for Homeless in Arizona?IBM mainframe computers???Hmmm.... Just what are IBM mainframe computers?COBOL, TSO, CICS, IMS, TSO, SPF, VM/CMS, VSAM, ISAM whats all that stuff? I am a rock?I am a RockRecycle Plastic Bags - Throw a monkey wrench into the recycling program???Recycle plastic bags and throw a monkey wrench into city recycling programs???I hate those annoying government recycling programs which always lose money and the only environment they make better is the wallets of the special interest groups the government let run the program. After reading this article I may just start recycling all my plastic bags!!!! |